Saturday, July 31, 2004

The British Are Leaving!

Today was a good day, it started quite early in the morning when I got up and went to the basement to retrieve some rubber cement. I then proceded to liberally apply the rubber cement to a piece of bristol board and cover it artfully with pretty paper and letters clipped out of the newspaper. It was a present for my friend Matt, who is hopping on the plane tomorrow bound for Belgium and he'll be gone for a very, very long time. Very sad, I hope he appreciates the present.
Then I went to work, where I spent a long period of time being very interested in the presentations going on, but very sleepy at the same time due to me staying up very late composing my farewell message to Matt. That is, I was interested and sleepy until we got to the espresso machine presentations that came with sample shots of espresso! Well, I got a cappuchino myself, but wow, what a pick me up! All in all, today was my first all around very good day at Williams Sonoma. I got to stand next to the handsome gay fellow several times, why o why is he gay?
After that, I went to the party, which, I have to admit, I was apprehensive about at first because I knew most of the people were going to be Matt and Marlen's friends, who weren't really friends of mine - they were more like acquaintances or faces I recognized. And when I got there, Marlen wasn't there! So I stood around and made witty little comments until Marlen got back and then the fun ensued. It was a very good party filled with wading in the pool while others splashed, and eating potato salad and trying to play guitar and doing the dance fight with Marlen. Oh yes, and when it got dark, Marlen and I made pretty splashy noises in the pool - Jeff tried to join in, but it didn't come out too well. Oh yes, and everyone started setting twigs and plastic bottles on fire. I think my lungs are currently very polluted. And then, most of the people I didn't really know left and less than ten of us were left, that's when the great conversations started. We talked very loudly, I'm sure the neighbors didn't appreciate it. At one point, a grasshopper that Jeff was playing with decided I was more interesting and it suddenly sprung onto me. I screamed very loudly, or so I thought. I think it came out more as a terrified squeak and I leapt off my chair and huddled on the ground as I felt it crawl around my back. I hate bugs, ick. Hmm, and I was hugged, many many times, mostly by Marlen, who insisted on it. I did the proper thing and cringed through each and every one of them, and occasionally, the guys felt they ought to join while I whimpered beneath the pile and pulled us this way and that. I think the oddest thing that happened was when Eric randomly curled up on his side and put his head on my lap - tense about describes how I felt for just a few seconds. And then Marlen reminded him that I don't like human contact, phew. I don't think I've ever had anyone put their head on my lap before - that's the most surprised I've been in a very long while.
Bye bye Matt, I hope you enjoy Europe! We'll miss you!

Thursday, July 29, 2004

I'm not a happy person

The last time I went to the dentist, the dentist told me that I was being too hard on my teeth.  I wasn't aware of any tooth grinding or similar actions that might cause my teeth to be in any sort of bad shape - and I figure I don't grind my teeth, as my roomie would surely have pointed that out.  I did notice today, as my mood got worse and worse, that I started to chew my gum harder and harder, essentially chomping it to a gummy pulp.  I also think I have a tendency to clench my jaw if I have no gum available to brutalize.  Why o why was I in such a terrible mood, you ask?  Well, first, I had hints throughout the day that someone was searching through my purse.  First time I opened my locker, I noticed my purse was placed in it differently.  Second time I look in the locker and got my utility blade, I noticed that some of the pockets were open.  I just thought that maybe I was losing my mind, since all my belongings were still there.  I found out when I was leaving though, that a girl got her money stolen.  Meaning that some thief, some miserable, pathetic excrement of society was sifting through my bag!  And then I went to call my mom.  What did I get?  A busy signal.  Tried again after 15 minutes - busy signal.  Tried again - busy signal.  And again - busy signal.  After waiting for 90 bloody long minutes, she finally picks up.  That was another 90 minutes to think about that piece of crap who searched through my belongings.  And now, I'm at seething point, which is why I had to write.
O, on another note, the good-looking boy that I noticed at work, I realized who he was today.  Friend of my sister's in fact.  And guess what else?  I also happened to recall that he's gay.  Great, just great.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Nice Guys Come Last

My mullings from lunch - is it really true that nice guys come last?  I don't think that would be the case.  One particular person I know who comes last is not a nice person, or at least, his coworkers think so.  He's smarter than they are, and won't give them the answer right off.  I think that makes more sense anyways.  If you don't figure something out yourself, you don't remember the answer.  Continuing my point, he's definitely not what everyone considers a nice guy.  He is, however, a very honest and fair sort of guy, who will put aside greed and do what's right.  He won't ask for a raise because asking for it means he didn't truly earn it.  But then, what happens to him?  The so called "nice guy" who happens to be a manager, sucks him dry of all his usefulness, takes the credit for everything and then runs off with the raise that really should be meant for the honest guy.  Where's the justice in that?  It seems like in America, credit is rarely given where it is deserved and the person that's generally perceived as the nice guy is the one that runs off into the sunset with all the money.
Another point, I was watching an episode of Sex & the City, where the main character is talking to a guy named Skippy.  Skippy, stuck in his world of self pity, whines annoyingly to her that it's been over a year since he "got any."  And he continues to blame it on the fact that he's a "nice guy."  I think if he were to step away from his overgrown ego, he'd realize that it's not because he's a nice guy at all.  For one thing, his physical presence is just repelling - he's unkempt, uninteresting and has a steady whine in his voice.  Secondly, he's not really a nice guy at all.  All of his actions screamed desperation.  Desperation, as one of my friends once mentioned, is one of the biggest turnoffs in the world.  You know the person doesn't want you, he just needs a woman, any woman, please god, give him a woman.  You feel like the one that the guy "settled" on because he couldn't get anyone hotter, or better, or whatever.  Thirdly, he doesn't seem to see himself at all.  He has an overgrown ego, but the problem is, it's someone else's ego.  He doesn't see that there really are issues with him that people don't find attractive.  Sure there are girls who go for the "bad boy," but bad boys are just so attractive because they're confident.  They know what's good about them, they know what they want, and when they want you, that's the best compliment in the world.
New line of thought now - also somewhat related.  I have thought of this time and again, but now I commit it to writing.  I completely wasted my time in high school.  Nothing was achieved.  Sure I was towards the top of my class, sure I was in a lot of extra curricular activities.  I still got nothing done.  One of my biggest goals was to get to be concertmistress - and senior year I got completely screwed over.  Why is this?  It's because I was being the "polite guy."  When the conductor asked me about my thoughts of concertmistress, I picked the most polite response that it's completely up to her, and that she ought to pick whoever was best for the role.  I should have just spoken up, "I  have leadership capabilities, that's more important than who plays violin better.  I'm practically your assistant conductor already, why not just give me the seat?  Everyone expects it."  O and then there was the great utter and complete failure known as the National Honor Society - better know as the National Society of Selfish People Who Do Well in School But Are Too Wrapped Up In Their Own "O-so-VERY-Important" Lives To Give Ten Minutes Of Their Time Twice A Month To Attend Meetings And Expect Activities That Include Great Personal Gain To Be Considered Community Service.  Did we manage to get anything done there?  About the only thing we managed to accomplish was raise a little over $1000 for the St. Jude's Children Hospital.  And would you like to know how that happened?  Five people gave a shit, I myself raised a fifth of what we donated because I went out of my way to ask three people, just three people, to donate a little bit of money for children dying of cancer.  Are we not a community organization?  Is that not what we're supposed to do?  Except the people that were accepted are all lazy asses who have nothing better to than run around a ring behind the school like hamsters and win worthless pieces of shiny plastic.  If I had stopped being polite and keeping my mouth shut about what losers people were being, maybe gotten a few people to stand with me, we could have done something, even a silly little flower sale, something anything. 
To sum up, nice guys aren't nice guys, so nice guys don't come last.  Honest guys, fair guys and polite guys, they're the ones that get ultimately screwed over.  What does this tell us?  We're still animals and the only way to survive is to be as vicious and ruthless in the most backhanded manner possible.  Maybe I should become a hermit and contemplate my sins because if religion is right, we're all going to hell.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Cellophane Craziness!

Work was actually [gasp: horror] fun today.  Well, it almost started out badly, when the first thing the floor manager had me do was, surprise surprise, take out the trash.  But then, Sandy, one of the visuals managers latched onto to me and I was left happily wrapping products in cellophane for the rest of the day.  We wrapped things like candy thermometers, grilling forks, a book with tongs set, bundt cake mix with glaze sets, and tied them all off with pretty beige ribbon.  I had cut one a bit too short for display purposes so I tied it into my hair (yes, like a cheerleader) and some lady walked by and said, "Oh, cute ribbon!  It looks like a William Sonoma ribbon," at which I replied ,"It is a William Sonoma ribbon."  Where else would I find ribbon that said William Sonoma on it?  So it was all fun with the squeaky sounds of cellophane, except then, they changed the "day" to end at 1 o' clock, because a stupid truck didn't come in, and there's really nothing to do till it's in.  So from what I hear, some poor guys have to work tomorrow night and then I get to come in and hopefully NOT take out the trash on Thursday.  O, and sadly, I have to work till 6 on Friday, poo.  That's when we're doing sales associate training.  That's not a fun way to spend a Friday...

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Fear and Loathing in Los Suenos

I had the most bizarre dream last night.  I spent most of it feeling utterly repulsed, and by the most interesting things.  Kenneth Branagh for one.  Apparently in my dream, he and John Stamos were both madly in love with me (the former I could live without, the latter - well, I suppose it was one of my wildest dreams).  Anyway, in my dream, I was walking around the mall and I saw Stamos and my first impulse was to run away and hide from him.  In the end, I quite liked him, odd considering my first response.  I'm not sure exactly what changed in that.  But when I saw Branagh again, I shrieked and was literally stumbling over myself in sheer panic trying to get away.  Somehow I ran to my dorm at CMU, even though the mall was clearly in Danbury, and as I was running, I turned my head and saw a girl from high school that was otherwise a very nice girl, but annoyed me beyond belief (if you want to know who, just ask).  I met up again with Stamos later and we were attending some sort of fashion show in which everyone was very fake-tanned and it looked extremely tropical - things that I loathe in real life - well, things other than fashion shows.  The whole time I was there though, I was feeling constant fear that Branagh would show up, like he was a ghost looming in my peripheral, a Gilderoy Lockhart-like ghost, complete with black cape.  I think he did show up eventually and declared he was dragging me off to be married and I cried out in terror or something and hid shaking under a desk until some lady dragged me out and said he was gone, things get a bit fuzzy after the fashion show...Anyhoo, strange dream no?

Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Woes of Daycare...

Today my cousins came over.  Well, the younger ones.  We all went to the city for a bit of shopping and had a very nice lunch where I caught up on stuff with my rapidly growing cousin, Jonathan.  Since the last time I saw him, I think he's grown three inches and his voice is cracking.  Quite interesting.  Ling is getting bigger too, and much too inquisitive.  Amusing incident number one - she's chasing after her brother and trips.  She immediately runs to her mother and tells her that Jon pushed her, even though the room is full of witnesses that would say otherwise.  Then at the restaurant, she made a perfect imitation of her mother, telling her, "Be careful, it's hot."  I pretty much ignored her during the shopping trip and then I decided to keep her company.  Bad choice.  I spent the rest of the evening hearing "Why?" or "Do this" or "Do that" or "I want..."  Sad thing is she's a chronic liar, a very bad liar.  I'll bet she learned that in daycare.  And she's very bad at convincing people to do things.  All she has to do is give me a good reason, heck, a reasonable reason and I'll say sure.  All she can come up with is "because" or "Come on.."  She's cute, but she's very spoiled..and annoying...

Thursday, July 22, 2004


Can we say, "Worst first day on the job ever?"  No, I didn't get yelled at.  It's much worse.  Everything started out fine, we all unloaded things from the truck.  Knowing I burn easily, I managed to stay in the shade about 80% of the time.  Went to lunch with Marlen, chatted for a very long time and all was jolly.  Then we went back to the store and were split into groups.  Of all the indignity, they set me on trash duty...Now maybe I'm overprideful or something, but I was somewhat offended by this poor choice.  First of all, I'm not exactly a "buff" sort of girl, meaning I can't carry really big heavy loads - like boxes chock full of cardboard.  Second of all, I'm a very pale sort of girl, the type that can burn within 10 minutes if left out under direct sunlight without any sunscreen.  Stupidly for the managers, they set me with the job of carrying big loads into the bright bright sun where the smelly icky trash bins were, and left the cheery built young ladies with nice summer tans inside where they're meager cheerleading brains confused the hell out of setting everything properly on the shelves (All of them seemed to be related in some way to the ladies running the show - nepotism, great...).  I swear, it was four hours that we worked, and not one shelf was filled completely.  I haven't a clue how they couldn't manage it, the directions were all very specific and laid out right in front of them.  In any case, now I'm very sweaty, and my face is all red from the mere fifteen minutes I spent under the bright bright sun tossing cardboard into the trash bin which was clearly NOT a recycle bin.  What's even MORE offensive to me was that while I was going about my job, a heavy metal bar fell out of the sky, presumably from nowhere, and landed smack dab on my head.  I nearly got brained and my $40K education nearly went down the drain.  How lovely is that?  Can you tell I'm not liking my job at William Sonoma so far?  And now my face is itchy.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


I made the dean's list, May got into art school!  Good week!

Licorice Keyboards

It's finally hot and toasty in Connecticut.  I'm plopped in front of my computer with a fan and a bowl of ice cream.  O ice cream, how I love thee.  Not Breyer's Butter Pecan though, it's not very good.  Ben & Jerry's Butter Pecan on the other hand...
It was nice today, woke up at noon (on the dot, I don't know how, but I suddenly opened my eyes, turned my head and the second hand had just hit the 12, right where the other two hands were).  Lounged around the house a bit, listening to my Muse CD, and then mom and I went to a chinese restaurant for lunch.  The food, as usual, was lesst than mediocre.  We talked about random things.  At one point I found myself explaining how the SATs were more like gambling than actual test taking.  And when I think about it, it really is.  I could almost be a circuit lecturer on it...No, that's just silly.  And then we drove around the Aunt Hack area and looked at pretty houses and criticized ugly houses, and started talking about opening a cafe or something.  Mom actually said that it'd be interesting to open up a place that played stuff like Muse.  I thought it would be fun too.  If I don't make it as an architect, I think I could be perfectly content running a nice hotel or just a cafe.  I think I'd play music like Muse (of course), Bush, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, stuff that people know about but aren't too mainstream and yet somewhat mainstream.  No Blink, no rap, hip hop or R&B.  It'd be geared towards younger people like high school and college age.  They'd be allowed to lounge as long as they'd like and the stuff sold wouldn't be yucky or expensive (cough cough, Starbucks).  I think I'd like that...
And now for a meme, yet again, courtesy of Rachel:
Type your username with your..
Nose: 9ir54e4j hni8qa321
Elbow: irenia321
Tongue: irenia321
Chin: irtenias3212q
Foot: irenia321
Eyes shut: Irenia321
Apparently I have trouble typing with my nose, silly round nose...And thank god tongue came before foot, though my keyboard tastes like licorice...

Monday, July 19, 2004

Today was my last day working at Filenes.  I didn't let anyone other than the managers know.  I don't know how Pam and the others in the Petites department would react to me leaving and I'd rather not find out.  It was a busy day, just the way I like it, though my feet were extremely sore.  I was actually limping by the last ninety minutes.  I find it a bit sad that right when I was very comfortable working there, I have to leave.  Ah well, there's always Christmas break.  O yes, and William Sonoma pays better at a whopping $8/h.  I can't wait to start there.  I wish I could have more, or rather any at all, say in creating the displays.  It's not like they'll do a bad job, but I really haven't used my creativity in a while.  I've been thinking I ought to practice drawing or something, but what could I draw?  There's nothing drawable in my immediate vicinity and I don't like the outdoors, with all the sun and bugs and stuff.

Friday, July 16, 2004

Martha Stewart will be sentenced soon.  I just looked at some predictions on the NYTimes and was extremely tickled to find out that she may soon be a "neighbor" of mine.  The artical states that should she be put in jail, it will be in the prison facility that I can see quite clearly from my house.  Amazing, no? 

Thursday, July 15, 2004

So last night, in a fit of boredom and an idea brought on by a conversation with a friend, I decided to look up top modeling agencies in the US. And then I decided to look up top models. Now, there are some very pretty models around, like that Victoria's Secret model, the one with the interesting eyebrows and pretty smile. And then there are some very, very, very scary models, such as (no offense to her of course) Lisa Cant. Maybe it's just her makeup, or something, but she looks very wasted away. Or if one were to go to the Victoria's Secret site and check out the tops & tees section, take a look at the model in the "seamless textured mockneck tank." Now maybe it's just me, but I din't think arms dipping in around the bones is very healthy. By the way, the very pretty model is the one above her in the "blouson tunic." I also recalled reading about a model out of New Milford who is now a plus sized model. Cigarettes don't seem like part of a balanced meal, but apparently that's what she would puff on instead of eating a healthy hunk of steak. That mockneck tank lady looks like she really needs a steak...
I also realized that I would never ever go out of my way to be a model. I looked at some of those "advice" sites and it seems to me that the girls that go out of their way to get into the world of modeling are not in fact determined, they are just plain desperate. Sorry ladies, that's just the way I see it. In any case, thinking about even trying to get into the business of my own volition is very, well, degrading is the word that comes to mind. Maybe this means that I'm not so desperate, eh?

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

This is one of those evenings where I feel intensely dissatisfied with myself. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I just watched "About Schmidt." I still have to mull over it, but my immediate reaction is that I wonder if there's anything about my life that's worth something. Am I on my way to completely wasting my life? Am I working towards nothing? And even so, what's that something that I want to work towards? What is that ultimate goal of my life? What is that one thing that would make me look back and make me completely satisfied?

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

My mother seems to finally appreciate some aspects of my architectural education. Case in point: My possession of all sorts of adhesives - rubber cement, elmer's glue, tacky glue, super glue, scotch tape, double sided tape, masking tape, duct tape, I'm sure there's more but I can't remember them all. In any case, a foot on our new toaster oven broke off and she's been trying desperately to put it back in place. The problem with the tacky and the elmers that she was using is that while tacky dries quickly, it's too flexible and the foot bends off. The problem with Elmers is that it just doesn't dry fast enough and it doesn't hold well to plastic. My solution was the super glue which is currently drying in the slowest way possible, sans Zip Kicker. Why not use Zip Kicker? Because I don't feel like polluting my house with noxious fumes for one and also, my good friend Nate decided to borrow it and leave it locked in his desk all summer so now, I'm a little peeved and would like the Zip Kicker back. Ah, well, he's doing me a favor by holding onto it and keeping me from going Zip Kicker crazy I guess.

Monday, July 12, 2004

I think I've done things I regret. A lot of things. I'm trying to see if I can fix up my life a bit and I think I'll be a bit lonelier for it, but I'll feel better in the long run.
I will never understand certain aspects of myself, for example, the need to stay up and watch a television show (the 4400) really late at night because I missed half of it the first time it ran. The premier started at nine, only I was busy playing Deus and was thus distracted. I turned on the tv at 10 and thought, "Darn." And then I decided after the show was over that I ought to go to bed early as I had a dentist appointment in the morning which I'll be leaving for in about fifteen minutes. Instead, I shut down my computer and watched the second run of "the 4400" which lasted until 2 am. Then I had to shower. Then I had to do my usual before-I-sleep reading while listening to Belle and Sebastian (not bad at all, Brett gave me a CD). Time I went to bed? 3:30...Time I woke up? 8:00. I'm very stupid. Why couldn't I just tape it? The VCR is right there! The tape marked "erasable" was all rewound and sitting right on top of it. Guess I still find it too tedious and noisy to do in the middle of the night. I almost wish we had Tivo or something except none of us watch television enough for it to be worthwhile.
And now for a survey courtesy of Rachel:
What is your name?: Angela
What are you doing?: waiting to go to the dentist
Who are you missing?: I miss some idealized person, I don't know who
Who is in the same room as you?: my computer
What music are you listening too?: Dishwalla - Until I Wake, yes, still that song, yes it has been 2 months, no I'm not sick of it yet
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone for more than 5 minutes?: Max
What are you doing tomorrow?: Working, filling out paperwork for my next job, possibly buying some pretty new bowls that won't match the plates I'm bringing to college
Who did you talk to on IM last?: Hmm, I do believe it was both Brett and L
What did you do today?: Well, today has barely started for me. I got out of bed, changed into my "going to the dentist, I wonder if that's a girl or a boy" outfit, turned on the computer and am brushing my teeth at the same time as I'm typing this, gosh I'm good at multitasking...
Who do you love?: I don't love anyone.
What do you want to accomplish in life?: I am going to be a world famous architect and people will remember me as the next Frank Lloyd Wright but not as decorative.
Who loves you?: I don't know. No one ever tells me they do, but I think at this point in life, I'd rather not be loved.
What is your favorite movie?: I think at this very moment, I very much like...Fight Club...
Who is your favorite character in that movie?: I don't know, it's really a toss up between the Narrator and Tyler Durden, though technically they're one and the same
What is your favorite video game?: Deus Ex, playing it for about the 20th time
Who did you last go out to eat with?: I had dinner with Marlen and Brett at the mall, though we were all on break
What was the last movie you saw in theaters?: Fahrenheit 9/11
Who did you go with?: Scott
What is outside the nearest window?: A truck, being noisy, in the morning, o, and there's my front porch and bushes and flowers and a lawn in between
Who do you wish was there with you right now?: That idealized person I have in my head, I don't know who he is, except he'd have to leave as soon as I suspected my dad was on the way home
What is the last thing you sang?: Dishwalla - Until I Wake
Who was the last person you hit?: Hmm, I really can't think of anyone that I've actually hit. If I hit you and don't remember it, I apologize - and please remind me...
What color is your house?: off white, almost just plain yellow
Who did you last yell at?: I guess it was my mom, though it wasn't yelling, more like loud complaining.
Who scares you?: Lots of people scare me, especially that Neil fellow who randomly IMed me the other day and was very pushy and nosy
What gives you hope?: I'm not sure, my abilities?

Y o u r C u r r e n t: :
Mood: indifferent, somewhat looking forward to squeaky clean teeth
Music: Dishwalla - still Until I Wake
Hair: down today
Annoyance: My ever expanding waistline, or at least the fact that my mind perceives it as such
Smell: Don't smell anything out of the ordinary, maybe my deoderant if I think about it
Thing you ought to be doing: Practicing my violin, brushing up on my drawing skills
Favorite song(s): Dishwalla - Until I Wake, and candleburn
DVD In Player: Well, it was X2 until my uncle borrowed it. Now it's Pirates of the Caribbean
Worry: I will forget everything I've learned in the past year

L o v e::
Boyfriend/girlfriend: don't have one
Longest relationship: around 2 months
Been in love w/ more than 1 person?: no
Sweetest thing a guy/girl has done for you?: told me I'm pretty (so it's still an issue with me)
Meanest thing a guy/girl has done to you?: picked on me because I'm smarter and more talented and prettier than she is, stupid captain...
Ever broke someone's heart?: I don't think so and hopefully never will
Someone break your heart?: no, not that enamored to anyone

L a s t P e r s o n::
You talked to: Mom, loudly, in Chinese, in a supermarket
You hugged: my toy panda, it's not a person but it's really the only thing I hug
You kissed: L
You instant messaged: umm, Brett and L

F a v o r i t e ::
Food: Mom's odd version of Kung Pao Chicken, or maybe her Leek and Beef dish...or the Pepper and Beef dish...
Drink: White Grape with Peach Juice, liberally watered down
Color: Crimson (not because it reminds me of blood, ick)
CD: Shout: The Best of Tears for Fears
Shoes: currently, my loafers
Candy: I don't really eat candy graham crackers count?
Animal: cat
TV Show: It used to be Alias, then the Dead Zone. I'll still vote Dead Zone unless it continues going on it's wierd streak.
Veggie: Cauliflower
Fruit: Bartlet Pear

Who Do You Want To:
Kill: Stupid customer who doesn't know how to just shut up and listen and blames me for "wasting her time"
Get really drunk with: I don't really drink, but if I were to get drunk...well, like I said, I don't really drink
Talk to: Marlen

V i t a l * S t a t s //
Name and what does your name mean: Angela, or Chi Hsiao-Hsien. In English, it just means messenger of the gods. In chinese it's either Goddess of Knowledge, Goddess of Dawn, or One who knows the Gods
Nicknames: well Satrice calls me Angie and Marlen calls me Anjelina
Location: CT
Sign: Pisces-Aries Cusp
Hair color: brown black, hopefully more black than brown
Eye color: Brown
Status: I'm not sure
Education: Architecture rules! 4 more years to go!
Height: 5'4.25"
Nationality: American Born Taiwanese
Skin color: Pale as it can possibly be, beige tinted
School: CMU Architecture!

H a v e Y o u E v e r ::
Lied: constantly
Ran away: considered it, too much trouble, no money
Done drugs: no
Drank alcohol: a couple times, don't like the taste
Broke a bone: no
Failed a class: surprisingly, yes
Dyed your hair: no
Gotten in a car accident: i can't drive but cars i've been in have been bumped a few times
Been out of the country: yes
Met a famous person: how famous is famous? I suppose so, I've met a few recording artists though they all fall on classical or foreign in the catalog.
Driven illegally: no
Been suspended: no
Been expelled: no
Given the finger: not since middle school, it's silly unless one is driving, which i don't
Kissed on the first date: been kissed, but on the forehead
Well that was fun...

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Cooking! I love cooking! Today I went to Marlen's house and we cooked for an entire three hours. Hopefully we'll get things figured out eventually because neither of us really have three hours to spend on food everyday. Marlen and her mom made lots of good ole' Gonzalez family cooking including chicken, something called "moro" which involved rice and beans and fried plantains (they taste like potatoes, funny since they look like big green bananas). I made a chocolate and blueberry cake which I think tastes great. They seemed to enjoy it too, hope they weren't just pretending so as to be polite. Marlen and I ate on the roof, we had to squeeze through her bedroom window, something really only we could do. I think anyone else would have gotten stuck because it does require quite a bit of flexibility. It's a good place for eating though, it's in the shade, there's a nice breeze and a nice view, not too many bugs. Grab a couple pillows to sit on and it's just perfect. Now I can't wait to have Marlen come over and we can try to make Chinese food - I do need a bit of practice...Or maybe we can just make Japanese Hand Rolls. I am very much looking forward to having a kitchen in the fall.

Sunday, July 04, 2004

So yesterday night ended with me sitting on my computer playing with Maya. I made the best happy sphere in the world, and now it is my desktop. If you, too, are interested in the Happy Sphere, let me know and I shall email you the desktop. May just sort of chortled a second and rolled her eyes.
So I went to work this morning, and apparently my schedule said to be here at 9. I heard 10 when I asked on the phone so Frank yelled at me - apparently he likes to harass us poor people. Rosie the manager told me not to worry about it, so I won't.
I worked in Men's Sportswear today - while I like it a lot better than the other departments, there are some downsides. Good side is that the people who are there generally happen to be more cheerful than the people in Petites. The clothing are all very easy to fold, especially with the magic, happy folding machine. I found any rumpled shirts I could and folded them with it. It's like an addiction. Frank came by at one point and told us we were doing a very good job keeping things neat. Another upside is that Brett is there - we spent most of the time just cleaning up and chatting. The downside is that some of the customers find me attractive. While it's flattering, I unfortunately, don't usually feel the same way for most of them. One fellow struck up a conversation and managed to give me his phone number, and big whoops for me (good god, why can't I say no!) I gave him...mine....I should have just said no, can't, sorry. I told Brett that from now on, he's my pretend boyfriend. Hope that works.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Tonight I actually got angry, like really really angry. Not just irritated like I was last night or when I woke up this morning. I felt like I was going to flip out and throttle someone. The bad side was that the someone happened to be a customer. Just when I was about to close up for the night (I got transfered into hosiery...hosiery is hell!) a crowd of Indian customers came by. One lady wanted to buy a dress, unfortunately the dress had a senso-tag. My senso tag remover was not working and I tried to explain as much. The lady would not listen and just kept berating me on how undertrained I was that I couldn't do something as simple as remove a senso-tag. All the while I kept trying to reiterate, "The machine is broken. You have to go to a counter where there is a machine that works." After a good seven or eight minutes, she finally got the picture and rudely grabbed her dress and walked away. After her came an Indian couple. They wanted everything on their charge card. I asked for their card and they go, "Well how much does it cost?" "I don't know that, I have to slide your card through the machine first." "Why do you want my card?" Yes, I definitely wanted to do some yelling just then. Did they not say they wanted everything on their card? It wasn't as bad with them though, it was that lady that just would not listen that drove me insane. I actually raised my voice a few moments with a, "You know what?!" And then I remembered that I should always be courteous so I lowered my voice and took a deep breath before I continued to speak. I really feel like yelling at someone...