Thursday, April 28, 2005

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


I'm in a terrible mood. I hate housing. Hate. In first year, my room was so cold in the middle of winter that I could see my breath. When I called housing to fix the heater, they told us they couldn't fix it until summer.
This year, my room flooded with raw sewage. Some of my belongings were damaged. They wouldn't pay a penny.
So, now that I know that Carnegie Mellon University Housing Services doesn't take care of its own students, I'm moving off campus.
Except I can't.
On the last day for housing cancellation, I emailed the director to let her know that I would no longer be living on campus. This was after her office hours, but far before the deadline, well, three hours before. However, on Monday, I got a reply that said that no, I was in fact, not allowed to leave, that I will have to pay all $6000 to live with girls I don't want to live with, for a space that I will not be taking up, even when the freshmen haven't been placed yet, and the school has a housing shortage crisis. And everytime I try to call the lovely, Ms. Adria Greene, she isn't there, and instead, she calls back when I'm not around, just to reinform me of the fact that I'm not allowed to cancel. I don't usually swear on my blog, but I just have to say, that is the stupidest, goddamn bitch ever, and I want to get her fired.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


It's 8 am. I didn't sleep all night. My hands are cracked and bleeding from repeated washings of my paintbrushes in ice cold water. It's snowing outside...on April 24th. Why is it snowing outside at the end of April? I'm hungry, but I don't have much left that's good to eat, and there are no food places open this early on Sunday. I think I'm in hell. A cold, wet hell, the ninth level right with Satan, where the sun never shines and the winds never cease to whip and flail all life out of my skin. I need a hug. Where's my Benny-bean to give me a hug?

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Le Cirque

First of all, I apologize to all the people I was supposed to call today. The creation of my portfolio for my job interview tomorrow took much much longer than anticipated and I finished around 1 am, standing with a good friend, Galen, in the Kinko's copy shop in downtown Pittsburgh. By then I was starving and since he and his friends were going out anyway, and it's been such a long time since I hung out with them, I went with them to the Eat n' Park.
Upon entering, several very exotic looking fellows, one of which had Cirque du Soleil emblazoned on his back, stood in front of us waiting to be seated. I, being the clairvoyant that I am, guessed that they were somehow involved with Cirque du Soleil, as Varekai is currently in town. (I wanna see! I wanna see!) After sitting at our booth and deliberating with the guys, we decided to have Galen go and ask them if they were part of the Cirque troupe. Galen, feeling embarrassed, chose to drag me along, as I started the whole thing. I hid behind him as he asked about the lovely jacket (which I want) and were rewarded with smiles, handshakes and introductions. (In case you hadn't figured out, they were, in fact, part of le Cirque). I was referred to as "precious" and Galen had "sparkling eyes." Then we went back to our booth where I basked happily in the glow that is Cirque and then a cake suddenly appeared on our table - from the fellows in that booth over there, said the waitress. Mr. Twinkles Galen seemed to have earned us a lovely cake, or maybe I helped, who knows. It was yummy and fattening. Le Cirque bought us cake!
Ok, now I have to sleep so I can wake up in time for my flight.
O yes and when you have no cream, try putting some of your friend's milkshake in your tea. I find it very rich and yummy.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Stilettos and Si Senor

It's been a long time since I've written. The reason is because I've been quite busy with Spirit Fashion Show. Bascally everyday was devoted to being at rehearsal or something or other. Last night was the show. Thank god its over. Between the fact that my scene never had a scheduled practice time, and the fact that when we ran it at comprehensives we always gt criticized for sloppiness, I was getting pretty darned upset. Especially since that was my one and onl scene. That changed though. A week before the show, I was added on to be a Skittle Girl - basically I was supposed to wear a 70s yellow concierge outfit and walk around the auditorium with a tray filled with champagne flutes filled with skittles. What ended up happening with that was that the designers were so behind on their sewing that my outfit was litterally tacked together at the last minute Literally 20 minutes before the doors opened. Then there was the problem of the fact that out of the ten skittle girls, only I seemed to know how to balance a tray. So they couldn't walk around like they were supposed to. I didn't really want to walk, my feet were killing me. I have blisters on my ankles now, painful reminders of that particular ordeal. So I did that, and then the show started, and then we did our dance. Went well, that. And then I basically sat around for a long time, not expecting to do anything else till the model call when one of the coordinators dragged me to a room filled with clothes and told me to pick some stuff out. A literal last minute scene was added for a designer who came all the way down from NY, so I got to walk in my stilettos. That was pretty darn awesome. Basically, getting to the show was hell. The actual show was awesome.
One problem. I made the mistake of eating at the campus eatery - Si Senor. So I was hungry. So sue me. I now have food poisoning. I haven't been able to really eat much all today and I couldn't figure out why I felt so terrible and all of a sudden, I realized why I felt like throwing up (if you know what I mean).
Jolly, no?

Friday, April 01, 2005

I Hate Trees

Well, not trees. Just tree pollen. The past couple of days have been like living in a hell where everything and everyone around me is sunny and happy. Things that aggravate my life right now - Tree pollen is making my throat swell up and my nose run, teachers in studio raising hell about not being in studio (I'd go, but the windows are open so it's just like being outside, and my throat starts swelling after 2 minutes outside...), o and my debit card has mysteriously been "deactivated." I'm hoping it's that stupid woman at Macy's fault and that it can be resolved. For now I'll be living off of the cash I got for Chinese New Years...