Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Life kind of sucks today. I think it's been adding up since Friday, actually. Friday was dodgeball - archies vs. art, which we archies dominated, of course. But, as usual, something has to happen where I stick out like a sore thumb. The last round was hard to win because a lot of our people just up and left, and I was the only girl with a handful of guys. I'm not particularly good at throwing so I didn't try to so I just stood in the corner trying to anticipate them trying to throw a ball at me. It didn't help that 1) with no glasses on, everything was a blur and 2) I was really afraid of being hit because that happened earlier and it really hurt and 3) the last couple of art kids were pointing at me and clearly plotting.
Weekend was nice and relaxing with Ben as usual.
Today was very horrible. Around 1 a.m. my DVD player decided to up and break on me. So I called Dell Support. Thank goodness they're 24-7 and thank goodness dad decided to extend my warrenty. New DVD-rom is in the mail.
Then, even though I clearly recall setting my alarm clock for 7, it didn't go off and I woke up at 9, making my morning schedule of finishing up work that much harder. Then in studio, Mike and I spent so much time discussing that we didn't have anything yet again and Sheldon gave us a little ultimatum. Of course he doesn't realize that even when we have something he barely glances at it anyway, which gives a hint as to why I'm so darned unmotivated. That upset me a lot and, compounded with my runny nose, made pirhouetting really bad for me in dance class today. I feel like I've suddenly lost what took me all summer to figure out and that's putting me in a bad mood. O yes, and during studio today, Josh decided to take my stool during my crit so when I went back to my desk I had nothing to sit on. After finding Waz's compass in my desk, my scale in Max's and my trace by Josh, that was pretty much the last straw. I tried to get him off my stool, but of course I'm 5'4" and he's 6'4" and therefore wins the contest. I don't think he realized I was seriously peeved. Yes, I was. And I have my migraine, for the second day in the row. Doesn't help that it's raining...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Hello, World

I found the other day that yes, people actually do read my blog. Amazing, isn't it?
In studio on Friday, things were very strange as a lot of my friends went to Toronto this weekend for a AIAS conference (for non-archies, that's basically an architectural conference). I didn't go because I'm running lower on money than I would like, so I've decided to try and save a bit.
As for this weekend, it was quite wonderful - I hung out with Ben and watched him beat F.E.A.R. (scary) and he let me play Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas. O yes, and to make up for making me watch "Land of the Dead" last weekend, I made him watch "The Way We Were," with Barbara Streisand and Robert Redford. Great movie, I cried lots. Ben fell asleep. O well, I can't blame him, I fell asleep watching Predator. Before that, though, we watched Star Wars: Episode III. It wasn't bad, despite the horrible acting. None of them are actually bad actors from what I can tell, but I think George Lucas was never really good at making actors make things realistic (or at least, less rehearsed sounding). Still, good story. I've been so much more into Star Wars since playing Knights of the Old Republic. I really need to get the first one - I hear it's much better than the second. Hey, someone put that on my Christmas wish list - o right, I don't have one...never mind.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


My friend Waz has introduced me to her latest addiction, and boy is it addictive. Apparently there's a site where all you have to do is collect sets of 27 with a matching theme and if it's witty enough, voila! You can get anything from an iPod to a box of matches - the prize givers are very...whimsical...
I'm too shy to ask people directly to join, but if you want to take a look, it's pretty fun and you get to meet lots of people.