Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy All Hallows! This year, I was a toned-down goth - by toned down I mean that I don't seem to have any goth jewelry left, and I can't find my fishnet. I settled on being Emily the Strange, with my hair being long and me having bangs like hers. Except I don't have white mary-janes so I wore black knee-high boots. It's funny that no one could really tell I was "in costume." I guess the black lipstick is still no indication I'm not pretending to be the usual me.
Strange side-effect of being dressed up - me in my sexy-Emily-the-Strange costume and Waz in her sexy-cat costume - we were walking out of class after chatting with a professor and he caught up with us to ask if we'd be servers and bartenders at his annual Christmas party. We giggled a lot the whole time because we thought it was a joke, but now that I think of it, I think he's serious...Bartending at the professor's annual holiday party...could be interesting, no?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Random Thought not for the Prudish of Mind

The strangest most akward thing about taking dance class with guys is that they are constantly readjusting themselves in their tights, if you know what I mean. It's really disturbing how often they're readjusting. Really, don't they notice? Don't they notice anybody else noticing?

Dance Envy

Let me just say, I love Wade Robson's work. I wish I could dance like him, choreograph like him. I'd love to work for him or something. He just did something for Dancing with the Stars this week -, DWTS 10/18 show about 20 minutes in. It's amazing, worth watching. Makes me want to dance...

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chai Tea

This week, our dance teacher wasn't around so he replaced himself with a Tai Chi instructor. I think it's an interesting form a martial arts, and it does give a person a good workout, but my god... The whole relaxation and slow movement thing was starting to drive me crazy. I started feeling claustrophobic towards the end actually, where my legs felt the need to start running as fast as possible, and I wanted to scream and flail my arms around. I don't think Tai Chi is for me.
O and never do Tai Chi when you're sleepy.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Conversations Long Missed

Today I talked to Ben. It's been about a month since we last talked, and about two weeks since we'd emailed. I know we're not together, but it's difficult not having him to talk to. I really missed the way he could talk to me about anything. We caught up on each others lives - he moved out of his parents house, even went on a date with some girl. Turned out she was crazy, and he just wasn't ready to date yet. I'm glad, I was a little surprised because I don't think I can really move on from him yet. It was so soon.
We talked about my trip to Copenhagen. I think me talking about the people I met there all the time really hurt him because it made him feel as if there was a part of me he couldn't reach, or something along those lines.
When we were about to hang up, he asked me if there was any chance we might ever get back together. I told him that we probably shouldn't consider it now, as I might be leaving when I graduate. I think that must have really hurt him, and I wish I could have just said that yes, I miss him and want to be with him again. But it wouldn't have been right for us, and I don't like always giving him empty promises.
What was nice, though, was that he said that I could call him whenever I wanted.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Perils of Living by a Church

This morning, I was in the bathroom going through my morning routine. As I was sitting and ... peeing (pardon me), I suddenly heard the voices of several children laugh and go, "Hello!" Wondering where the heck that came from, I looked out the 2-inch crack in the window we left open and see several children from across the airshaft in the church window LOOKING RIGHT AT ME. They must have heard me...they must have heard my roommates! I sat there for a few minutes thinking about what to do, decided I would not make a great moment for them by shutting the window immediately in supposed humiliation. Instead, I waited for a good five minutes, then shut the window and continued with my usual routine.
So now I'm faced with the dilemma of what to do about the window. If I leave it closed, the bathroom can steam up during a shower. If I leave it open, prying pre-teen eyes will most likely see everything they really shouldn't be seeing. I hate children...