Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Perils of Living by a Church

This morning, I was in the bathroom going through my morning routine. As I was sitting and ... peeing (pardon me), I suddenly heard the voices of several children laugh and go, "Hello!" Wondering where the heck that came from, I looked out the 2-inch crack in the window we left open and see several children from across the airshaft in the church window LOOKING RIGHT AT ME. They must have heard me...they must have heard my roommates! I sat there for a few minutes thinking about what to do, decided I would not make a great moment for them by shutting the window immediately in supposed humiliation. Instead, I waited for a good five minutes, then shut the window and continued with my usual routine.
So now I'm faced with the dilemma of what to do about the window. If I leave it closed, the bathroom can steam up during a shower. If I leave it open, prying pre-teen eyes will most likely see everything they really shouldn't be seeing. I hate children...

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