Saturday, May 26, 2007

Ups and Downs

These past couple of days have had their ups and downs.
I think I'll talk about the downs first because that's what depressed me enough to induce me to write off some steam. So, my former roomie has moved out. Her lease expired May 15, and I let her stay a few extra days so she could graduate. Unfortunately, when she left, she also left behind her boyfriend without telling me. He is staying until the end of the month at which point he leaves for Japan. What is not good is that we have a subletter coming in who started his sublet least on May 15 and he is very finicky about private space. This means he cannot move in until the former-roomie's-boyfriend moves out. Technically, my subletting friend has every right to kick former-roomie's-boyfriend out as my subletting friend is basically paying to let former-roomie's-boyfriend live in my apartment. So I need to call my former-roomie so she can vacate her boyfriend out of the apartment so that my subletting friend move in, or he can pay the rent for half a month. That seems to make sense to, as my subletting friend is currently making a 90-minute commute until he can live in the apartment. Except that when I try to get in touch with my former-roomie, she's never available to answer my calls or emails. So...I'm annoyed and frustrated.
On the upside, I had a satisfying trip in New York. I didn't buy anything new. In fact, the only thing I spent money on was a can of ground Japanese tea to keep me happy in Copenhagen. Delish. I did get a creepy Chinese chef stare at me in that creepy creepy way while I was waiting for my mum outside a butcher shop. I think he thought I was looking at him, while I was actually looking to see what my mom was doing. Yah, he wishes. Dirty old man...


Is it just me, or am I running out of blogs to read? I think that my sister is the only person I know of who still regularly updates her blog, other than me. May, are we lagging behind? Have people found a new way to entertain themselves that we haven't yet caught onto?
In other news, I went to New York with my mom and my aunt yesterday and we were unsuccessful in finding the mysterious antique shop my mom read about somewhere. Poor mommy. O well. We had lunch in Little Italy which was nice. I had a $7 cherries jubilee for dessert, and it was tasty. Not sure if it was truly worth the $7, though. It wasn't really a fun trip to NY, it was mostly to give me something to do to make my time up in the northeast go faster. I can't wait to go back to Pittsburgh where there's public transportation!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ready to Go

Being at home is starting to get to me. Today, dad gets home and is fine for about half an hour. All of a sudden he starts to yell at me, calling me lazy, saying I'm home all day and I still can't manage to help around the house. I sit and wonder what he's talking about. Apparently a package got delivered today and the person just set it outside the front door. Well, how was I supposed to know? 1) I didn't know he was expecting a package, and 2) I didn't know to look out the front door because no one rang the doorbell. If someone did, I don't remember hearing it in my sleep.
Also, at my old home, I was used to having some measure of privacy. We've gone from a tree-surrounded 1-acre plot to an open-lawned .25 acres. Children are wandering through our backyard, and everytime I so much as look out the window, I feel like I'm spying on the neighbors. Funny thing is, I feel like I have much more privacy in the city, where everyone is supposedly so much more crammed than I do here. And for some bizarre reason, it's 75 degrees outside and our house is STILL freezing. We don't have air conditioning or anything. I think I will forever associate being in Connecticut as being cold.
I'm so ready to go back to Pittsburgh.

Monday, May 14, 2007

New House

So, its been a couple of days since I got back to Connecticut. So far its been COLD. Well, by cold I mean upper 60s since Pittsburgh has pretty consistently warm these past few weeks.
So this is what I think of my new house: It's HUGE. I didn't think it was very large when it was empty, but once all the furniture is in, you realize its a long long walk from the stove to the dinner table. It's okay, I suppose, if you don't think of all the architectural travesties that our professors teach us not to do in high architecture. I think I'll get used to it eventually, but right now, I still feel somewhat like a guest.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


At last, freedom! This years hell week wasn't nearly as stressful as previous, probably because this time around there was help. I managed to get five hours of sleep every night except this last one where I got 20 minutes on the green cushion in the corner of the lab.
I think that the first time I had to work with a partner, it really scarred me. Fortunately, this time's partner and I got along better and I think that together, we made a really great project. Part of it might have been because of guilt from my last parter experience where I basically hid from work because the social aspects of it weren't to my taste.
Our reviews went alright, I suppose. I was annoyed when, yet again, everyone got stuck around one design element, the same one every time. I don't think architects understand that prison is not lollipops and summer camp. I got a little annoyed in after the first ten minutes and after another ten, Brian started getting offended. When he spoke up, I finally got a chance to speak up and I think the critics realized just how offended we were, so we changed topics. Thank god.
Not the smoothest reviews, but they ended on a good note. One of the critics said she loved my section (kudos to me) and the elevations (kudos to Brian). So, something for everyone. I just hope we don't have to present again on Friday. I shall keep my fingers crossed because that was just hell.