Saturday, July 03, 2004

Tonight I actually got angry, like really really angry. Not just irritated like I was last night or when I woke up this morning. I felt like I was going to flip out and throttle someone. The bad side was that the someone happened to be a customer. Just when I was about to close up for the night (I got transfered into hosiery...hosiery is hell!) a crowd of Indian customers came by. One lady wanted to buy a dress, unfortunately the dress had a senso-tag. My senso tag remover was not working and I tried to explain as much. The lady would not listen and just kept berating me on how undertrained I was that I couldn't do something as simple as remove a senso-tag. All the while I kept trying to reiterate, "The machine is broken. You have to go to a counter where there is a machine that works." After a good seven or eight minutes, she finally got the picture and rudely grabbed her dress and walked away. After her came an Indian couple. They wanted everything on their charge card. I asked for their card and they go, "Well how much does it cost?" "I don't know that, I have to slide your card through the machine first." "Why do you want my card?" Yes, I definitely wanted to do some yelling just then. Did they not say they wanted everything on their card? It wasn't as bad with them though, it was that lady that just would not listen that drove me insane. I actually raised my voice a few moments with a, "You know what?!" And then I remembered that I should always be courteous so I lowered my voice and took a deep breath before I continued to speak. I really feel like yelling at someone...

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