Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Woes of Daycare...

Today my cousins came over.  Well, the younger ones.  We all went to the city for a bit of shopping and had a very nice lunch where I caught up on stuff with my rapidly growing cousin, Jonathan.  Since the last time I saw him, I think he's grown three inches and his voice is cracking.  Quite interesting.  Ling is getting bigger too, and much too inquisitive.  Amusing incident number one - she's chasing after her brother and trips.  She immediately runs to her mother and tells her that Jon pushed her, even though the room is full of witnesses that would say otherwise.  Then at the restaurant, she made a perfect imitation of her mother, telling her, "Be careful, it's hot."  I pretty much ignored her during the shopping trip and then I decided to keep her company.  Bad choice.  I spent the rest of the evening hearing "Why?" or "Do this" or "Do that" or "I want..."  Sad thing is she's a chronic liar, a very bad liar.  I'll bet she learned that in daycare.  And she's very bad at convincing people to do things.  All she has to do is give me a good reason, heck, a reasonable reason and I'll say sure.  All she can come up with is "because" or "Come on.."  She's cute, but she's very spoiled..and annoying...

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