My mullings from lunch - is it really true that nice guys come last? I don't think that would be the case. One particular person I know who comes last is not a nice person, or at least, his coworkers think so. He's smarter than they are, and won't give them the answer right off. I think that makes more sense anyways. If you don't figure something out yourself, you don't remember the answer. Continuing my point, he's definitely not what everyone considers a nice guy. He is, however, a very honest and fair sort of guy, who will put aside greed and do what's right. He won't ask for a raise because asking for it means he didn't truly earn it. But then, what happens to him? The so called "nice guy" who happens to be a manager, sucks him dry of all his usefulness, takes the credit for everything and then runs off with the raise that really should be meant for the honest guy. Where's the justice in that? It seems like in America, credit is rarely given where it is deserved and the person that's generally perceived as the nice guy is the one that runs off into the sunset with all the money.
Another point, I was watching an episode of Sex & the City, where the main character is talking to a guy named Skippy. Skippy, stuck in his world of self pity, whines annoyingly to her that it's been over a year since he "got any." And he continues to blame it on the fact that he's a "nice guy." I think if he were to step away from his overgrown ego, he'd realize that it's not because he's a nice guy at all. For one thing, his physical presence is just repelling - he's unkempt, uninteresting and has a steady whine in his voice. Secondly, he's not really a nice guy at all. All of his actions screamed desperation. Desperation, as one of my friends once mentioned, is one of the biggest turnoffs in the world. You know the person doesn't want you, he just needs a woman, any woman, please god, give him a woman. You feel like the one that the guy "settled" on because he couldn't get anyone hotter, or better, or whatever. Thirdly, he doesn't seem to see himself at all. He has an overgrown ego, but the problem is, it's someone else's ego. He doesn't see that there really are issues with him that people don't find attractive. Sure there are girls who go for the "bad boy," but bad boys are just so attractive because they're confident. They know what's good about them, they know what they want, and when they want you, that's the best compliment in the world.
New line of thought now - also somewhat related. I have thought of this time and again, but now I commit it to writing. I completely wasted my time in high school. Nothing was achieved. Sure I was towards the top of my class, sure I was in a lot of extra curricular activities. I still got nothing done. One of my biggest goals was to get to be concertmistress - and senior year I got completely screwed over. Why is this? It's because I was being the "polite guy." When the conductor asked me about my thoughts of concertmistress, I picked the most polite response that it's completely up to her, and that she ought to pick whoever was best for the role. I should have just spoken up, "I have leadership capabilities, that's more important than who plays violin better. I'm practically your assistant conductor already, why not just give me the seat? Everyone expects it." O and then there was the great utter and complete failure known as the National Honor Society - better know as the National Society of Selfish People Who Do Well in School But Are Too Wrapped Up In Their Own "O-so-VERY-Important" Lives To Give Ten Minutes Of Their Time Twice A Month To Attend Meetings And Expect Activities That Include Great Personal Gain To Be Considered Community Service. Did we manage to get anything done there? About the only thing we managed to accomplish was raise a little over $1000 for the St. Jude's Children Hospital. And would you like to know how that happened? Five people gave a shit, I myself raised a fifth of what we donated because I went out of my way to ask three people, just three people, to donate a little bit of money for children dying of cancer. Are we not a community organization? Is that not what we're supposed to do? Except the people that were accepted are all lazy asses who have nothing better to than run around a ring behind the school like hamsters and win worthless pieces of shiny plastic. If I had stopped being polite and keeping my mouth shut about what losers people were being, maybe gotten a few people to stand with me, we could have done something, even a silly little flower sale, something anything.
To sum up, nice guys aren't nice guys, so nice guys don't come last. Honest guys, fair guys and polite guys, they're the ones that get ultimately screwed over. What does this tell us? We're still animals and the only way to survive is to be as vicious and ruthless in the most backhanded manner possible. Maybe I should become a hermit and contemplate my sins because if religion is right, we're all going to hell.
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