Tuesday, July 13, 2004

My mother seems to finally appreciate some aspects of my architectural education. Case in point: My possession of all sorts of adhesives - rubber cement, elmer's glue, tacky glue, super glue, scotch tape, double sided tape, masking tape, duct tape, I'm sure there's more but I can't remember them all. In any case, a foot on our new toaster oven broke off and she's been trying desperately to put it back in place. The problem with the tacky and the elmers that she was using is that while tacky dries quickly, it's too flexible and the foot bends off. The problem with Elmers is that it just doesn't dry fast enough and it doesn't hold well to plastic. My solution was the super glue which is currently drying in the slowest way possible, sans Zip Kicker. Why not use Zip Kicker? Because I don't feel like polluting my house with noxious fumes for one and also, my good friend Nate decided to borrow it and leave it locked in his desk all summer so now, I'm a little peeved and would like the Zip Kicker back. Ah, well, he's doing me a favor by holding onto it and keeping me from going Zip Kicker crazy I guess.

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