Friday, September 24, 2004

Smouldering Malcontent

Today was even worse. My dull anger is now quite a bit more. I had a nice morning, did well in Japanese class, though I was a bit late. Did pretty well at the audition for Dancer Light, I suppose. But then I get into studio and I end up waiting till the very end of class, even after class, for a crit, and the professor completely misinterprets everything I'm trying to say. He's not even listening to what I'm saying and just refuting the small point that he believed to be incorrect and decided then rejected all my other ideas and criticized me about the lack of them before even giving me a chance to tell him the rest of what I did. I was quite angry actually, and I believe I actually stormed out of the studio. Yes, I'm pretty pissed.
And then when I get back to the room, I get a nice little Email from Kai, head professor, stating that I didnt' sign in on time and that meant that I was either late, absent or just plain irresponsible. I was actually early, and I didn't sign in because he usually left the sheet up till after the lecture. If I knew he was going to deviate from his habit like that I would have signed in the moment I got there. But no, he decided that I was a bad student. You know what? Maybe I am a bad student. I know for sure that right now I'm definitely an angry student and I'm pretty pissed at a lot of people. I feel like throwing things, breaking things, all sorts of manners of physical violence right now. Whatever.k

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