Monday, November 18, 2002

Wow! I hadn't realized it's been that long! I must've been really tired running around like a crazy person. I tried to call Cornell today to set up an appointment. That was about five minutes after I got home. So I call and they say, sorry, we're closed now. Office hours are from blah blah to 4:30. For god's sake, it's 4:35! Couldn't they hang around for a meesly 5 minutes?! So yes, I was in a crappy mood, stupid office people.
O hey, so I have 2 auditions for 2 totally different things this week. I have dance auditions for today and tomorrow which is why I got home at 4:35, not 4:20 or 4:29 or whatever hell time is before 4:30. At least I have the audition dance down. I hope I get in... And after that is THE audition of the year for me - Western Regionals for violin, for which I have not seriously practiced for over a month..........Wish me luck! ^_^'

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