Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Is it Friday yet?

My boss told me the other day that I have to start doing more overtime. I'm reluctant. Why? Because what I'm doing is so incredibly tedious that my brain is positively fried by 4 or 5:00. I'm pretty much useless after that. Sure, the other interns work tons of overtime. They also get paid time and a half for every minute they work over 40 hours/week. I don't get paid for OT, nor do I get any comp time. It's also difficult to get excited about lists and working inside a model that's so screwed up from being subjected to multiple first-time Revit users.

I just realized today that what I'm doing right now could be what I'm doing for the rest of my life. I don't find the prospect of that very pleasing. I should have ignored Mom and gone to culinary school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it occurred to me not too long ago that we're going to be working pretty much for the rest of our lives. i'm not sure if there is anything i might enjoy doing forever. we work so we can pay bills, and we work, work, work, work, work... =\