Seems like spring has everyone emerging back into the sunlight. I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with me since I have spent pretty much all my weekends and evenings at home since just after Halloween, but I think it was just because of the winter.
Friday night, Erica and her band were playing at a place in the lower east side, so I went to go see. It was great - the room was completely packed, there were people dancing. The energy was great, and it was nice to see her and Emma and Kaetii again. I ended up sleeping over her place (feels like home!) and we all went for brunch the next morning at Kellogg's Diner at the Lorimer stop. While Erica was refilling the meter, she happened upon a fledgeling bird that had fallen from his nest. She was upset, so we decided to go and save the poor thing. Kaetii scooped him up and we popped him in a paper bag and took him home. Then, Erica started regretting her decision, and upon further examination of the bird, we thought that he might possibly be sick and was actually pushed out by the mommy bird so as not to make the rest of the brood sick as well. And, we also found out that a fledgeling was extremely difficult to take care of, so in the end, it was decided to take the birdie and release him into the wild. We ended up taking him and putting him in a park behind a fence where there was plenty of plants and shade and space. Not so sure what happened to the poor fellow. Sad to say, but mostly likely, he is dead or will be in a few days.
Then I went home where I was suddenly gripped with the urge to clean. I swept and scrubbed the bathroom, kitchen and living room. I even took the rug and beat a LOT of dirt and dust out of it. A LOT.
This morning, I met Christina and the former-Lehmann for dimsum in Chinatown. 'Twas tasty, but the variety was lacking and I felt that the waiters were very rude. Well, the guy who handled our table for water, tea and taking away empty dishes was about 50 or so. I think he wasn't too pleased with his lot in life. Poor man. Still, the food was tasty. Later we went and bought frozen dumplings for later, and I bought a guava and some mangoes. I had a last minute splurge on the way back to my office. I was walking down the street and all of a sudden, noticed a table full of bonsais. One bonsai in particular, in a red pot. The other bonsais were also very nice, but none of them seem to have the right shape. Red-pot bonsai seems to have the shape with the most potential for fixing, so I took him. I think I'll name him Bob. Bob the bonsai. I hope he lives...
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