Thursday, April 02, 2009


I bought a really nifty jacket from Armani Exchange on my birthday as a present to myself. I was foolishly optomistic and thought I was a small only to find that while I could zip up the jacket, I couldn't move after because of how constricting it was around the waist.
So, yesterday at lunch, I took the jacket to A/X to see if I could return it. The lady at the counter said, "O, you need an XS? We have that." To which I replied, "No no! Wait! I need to go in the other direction! Medium, medium! This seemed to upset her. She proceeded to try to convince me that I was a small at the very biggest. I decided that it's because a medium fits so well that I look like I'm an XS, so I shall happily accept being the hippo that I am.
As I was relaying the tale to Axel over dinner last night, he cut in at the exact same spot and said, "XS, right?" So the question is, is it what people genuinely think? Or is there some sort of conspiracy to tell hippo-girl she looks good while they inwardly cringe?
O, and since I noticed that there was so much more stuff on sale at the store, and there was a giganto sale going on (spend $150, take $50 off), I went a little crazy and bought 2 new dresses, neither of which are exactly appropriate for work, some nice workout clothes and a new purse. Ironically, this is the first purse I have ever purchased for myself. Strange, no?

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