Thursday, October 27, 2005

White Supremacy

My sister sent me the most interesting link to an ABC News report about a couple of sisters named Lamb and Lynx. They look very much like the Olsen twins way back in the day and guess what? They sing and play instruments! Guess what they sing about! White supremacy!
They spoke about being very proud of their German (by German, they mean Nazi) heritage and wanting to preserve their racial purity. I don't think they realize that they are living in the past, as Germany for the most part isn't Nazi anymore, and is, in fact, a very forward thinking country that I would like to visit sometime (their advances in zero energy housing is amazing).
It also amuses me that they tout their superiority when their own parents don't seem to have the courage or commitment it takes to be able to stay in a marriage. I'm not saying that most people are better than white supremicists about staying in marriage, I'm saying that they're no better than the rest of the world.
That's my outrage for the month. Venting online is so nice.
I'm going to go play some Star Wars now. May the force be with you.

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