Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Work Rant and then Dance Rant

Part of the joy of being the lunch and learn person is that I get to move all the food to the back room. Yesterday, as I'm placing the first tray on the kitchen table, Jason is already there picking at it, and goes, "Aren't there any desserts?" and I go, "yes" and he goes, "O, well, I'll just wait right here for it." Seriously? SERIOUSLY? So I'm walking back and forth, bringing the desserts, then the salad, then the silverware and finally the drinks, and he's just sitting there stuffing his face going, "God, you volunteered to do this?" No, Jason. I volunteered to set up the presentations. This is just part of the responsibility. I did NOT volunteer to be your waitress, so next time you decide to skip out on the lunch and learn and partake of the food you do nothing to deserve, try offering to help me carry some things over.

Commence Dance Rant:
I had a doozy of a dance class last night. I think I get on the teacher's nerves. It was that really hard advanced level dance class again. There was a really cluless girl who i thought was Chinese taking the class. I didn't think she was that bad, but at one point the teacher was telling her to do a croise (means "cross the legs" in ballet ), and she had no idea what he meant and it was mostly a language barrier thing I think. After class, I was heading out the classroom and i heard him talking to her. He started by just straight out saying, "this class is too hard for you. you need to take an easier class." and when she looked really confused, he started trying Japanese. She kind of nodded and smiled, as in "I have no clue what you're saying," and he got very frustrated and said to her that she also needed to learn English.
By that time I had already waved and said thank you and scootched out the door to what i thought was safety, except that he followed me out and then had a little chat with me about how when he gives me comments, he needs me to give him some sort of acknowledgement that tells him that I understand, like a "thank you." I've been nodding and saying okay, so I guess it really annoyed him that it never occurred to me to say thank you. I guess I just fell out of that habit, because my dance teachers are usually less scary and I can smile and they get my thank you without me really saying it... And then I explained to him that a lot of times, I'm not sure that he's talking to me because I can't see his eyes without my glasses on and then he kind of had a eureka moment and figured I dance in a very small space and don't project because I can't see anything to project to and to focus on. And he mentioned that I should get contacts or some straps for my glasses. Maybe if I was going to be pro, I'd invest in some handy little contacts, but those things sting my eyes and I'd rather not spend the money on them. Didn't tell him that. And then things were really awkward and I didn't know what to say to him so I made some comment about the weather and how I had to beat the rain home and practically ran out the door.
Some people just make me sooo uncomfortable. He's a good teacher though. Boy that was a long story... Going to my usual contemporary teacher's class tomorrow. That will be fun. I'm going to chat with her about this teacher. He's her mentor which is why I started to take his class. She adores him and I've seen them chatting very comfortably together. I guess what I want to figure out is if he's so annoyed by me that I should just give up and take someone else's class. Though, I suppose if I was too horrible, he'd have told me straight out as well that this class is too hard for me. Now he just thinks I need glasses. I'm mildly horrified by the thought that he'll be criticizing me for the rest of the summer about not wearing glasses or contacts. God...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Wow, where has the time gone? Let's play catch-up:

Work: Jackson is winding down. Recently underwent a ridiculously complex security procedure that required providing alibis and character references for the past 7 years of my life, and fingerprinting. Worked on BAM and heard a lot of discontent from my coworkers which somewhat reflected mine. I think my issues are much more deep-seated. They're just upset at the superficial things. Now I'm spending my time working on Orchestra of St. Lukes. I like the project, but what annoys me is that our office finally got a new project and put the other two interns on it despite the fact that they've already worked on that phase a lot, and I SPECIFICALLY requested that I need to work on that phase. Okay, anger showing, time to move on. On the upside, I got to sneak all around the 37 Arts building today, and the super let me peek into Baryshnikov's personal office. Soooo cool! I think it's even better than seeing him, to tell the truth. What if he's a jerk? What if he just completely ignores me? But this way I learn something about him without having to meet him.

Dance: Summer time sucks for dancing. I've been taking Kristin's class all year round, but as she's on tour in the summer and my summer hours don't permit me to make it to Crunch's classes, I've looked into Peridance more. Got my 10-class card. Went to three last week and was completely dead by Saturday. I've taken Sunday, Monday, and I guess Tuesday (because Axel's friend is on tv, and the show is premiering tonight) off to recuperate. Still, going well. Looking forward to kicking things up a notch for the summer.

Roommates: Loud, crazy-sex, sloppy roomie moved out into a place that has bed-bugs. Now she is homeless and surly to the new roommate, Emily. Emily, on the other hand, is lovely. I don't really know what she's like as a roommate, but I like hanging around her, and she does dishes. Chelsea's still awesome, Erica's still great. Maybe is...still Maybe....

Friends: Waz is getting married!! I got my bridesmaid dress, put in my vacation time, bought my flight (well, actually, Axel bought my flight...) and I'm rooming with Hannah, though we don't know what the deal is yet since she's staying an extra night. Waz will be coming to visit at the end of the month. We're going to dinner with probably all the other CMU people in NY. Hopefully we'll get more time to just hang out. Marlen and I have been on the verge of hanging out forever. I think the not-living together has eased my frustrations, but now I never get to see her. I think we'll both be tango dancing on Saturday night, so I'll get to see her then. She sounds like she's doing well with Mark.

Boyfriend: Things are going quite well in this department. His little sister (who's 2 years older than me) came to visit. She came by my place for tacos, and then I brought dinner over there another night (steak, caprese salad, ciao bella sorbet), and then one night when Axel was too busy to entertain, I took her out with me and my coworkers for drinks after work. I had a little too much, or maybe it was mixing beer and liquor, but I felt downright sick at one point, and let out a weird burp thing that made me feel so much better. Fortunately, little sister was unphased. As for boyfriend and I, we have fallen into a routine I think, but in a nice way. Mom finally wants to meet him, don't know when I'll work up the courage to drag him with me to Flushing though. I think she's pretty much decided that he and I will be getting married and having kids together. O dear....

Family: May's currently living in NY. Her office moved temporarily down to the meat packing district so she's no longer able to just walk to work from Grand Central. Meat packing district also sucks because there's nothing there to eat! May and I randomly had lunch one day - we decided to go to "the Bistro Truck" for sandwiches and fries and ate in the park. She mentioned me going over for lunch on my days off, but what to eat there? I've been on everyone's cases about exercising more and eating better. May's been strongly considering getting a Wii and I said if she did, I'd get her the Wii fit package. I'm also going to get Dad the Gazelle elliptical for Father's day. Even if it's only May using it, at least SOMEONE is....