Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fancy Partay!

Last night, Karen and I went to a party an alum friend of mine invited me to. Karen and I must be the oldest young people in the world, or maybe she's just shy and I was tired from work, but we left at 10. In any case, the invite said the dress code was festive and after dithering for a while on what that meant, I decided last minute to wear a pretty dress I bought last year from Espirit, and I borrowed a festive red belt from my coworker Mallary. Add to that a nice black faux-fur bolero and bright red sling-backs. I was worried I was going to be overdressed, and I showed up and found out I was perfectly dressed. I also found out that Phillippe, who I was aware was wealthy, is VERY wealthy in that he owns a hedge fund. My guess is the nice older gentleman I met last year at the Presidential Debate Party (who sadly did not show up tonite) is similarly wealthy and probably owns his own hedge fund. In any case, all the people I met were in their late 30s to 50s and they either were hedge fund/wall street people, or worked for the UN or something similarly impressive. They weren't snobby at all though. In fact, if I were to ask Phillippe what he did, he'd be very reluctant to tell. Apparently they're all like that.

It's funny though, the general personality of the people there was kinda boring. A lot of awkward conversation that died quickly. Wow, you're an architect and you make buildings! Yeah. So... Soo........Hmmmm....

There were actually two young ladies that Karen and I spent a long time talking to. I think they're both around my age. On of the girls' mom is a lesbian who came out and dumped her hubby when she was 8, and her mom's girlfriend is her age. Funny, no? And she's comfortable enough with her mom that mom came along to the party. I would NEVER take my mom to a party with me.

In any case, Karen and I got bored and ditched the party at 10, went to Grey's Papaya and got hot dogs and pina coladas and then trekked home. Fun fun fun. :)

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