Monday, September 28, 2009


***15 YEARS AGO (1994)****
1) How old were you? 9
2) Who were you dating? Boys?! Ew.
3) Where did you work? Does elementary school count as my profession?
4) Where did you live? Danbury, CT
5) Where did you hang out? Home, Meredith’s
6) Did you wear contacts and/or glasses? Glasses, giant blue framed plastic ones
7) Who was your best friend? Meredith Freed
8) How many tattoos did you have? None
9) How many piercings did you have? None
10) What kind of car did you drive? Couldn’t drive
11) Had you been to a real party? Nope
12) Had you had your heart broken? Nope
13) Were you Single/taken/Married/Divorced? Boys?! Ew.
14) Any Kids? I WAS a kid.

***10 YEARS AGO (1999)***
1) How old were you? 14
2) Who were you dating? No dating, just pining for Brendan Irving.
3) Where did you work? Carvel Ice Cream Bakery (under the table, shhhhh)
4) Where did you live? Danbury, CT
5) Where did you hang out? Home
7) Who were your best friends? Christina Dalonzo, Heidi Brainard
8) How many tattoos did you have? None
9) How many piercings did you have? None
10) What kind of car did you drive? Still couldn’t drive
11) Had your heart broken? Nope
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Always single.
13 Any Kids? Ew

****5 YEARS AGO(2004)****
1) How old were you? 19
2) Who were you dating? Luke
3) Where did you work? Didn’t work yet, though I had a summer job at Williams Sonoma, and another at Filene’s
4) Where did you live? Pittsburgh, PA
5) Where did you hang out? Studio, the computer lab or in the Dungeon with all the engineering guys
7) Who were your best friends? Waz, Zach
8) How many tattoos did you have? None
9) How many piercings did you have? None
10) What kind of car did you drive? No car, still couldn’t drive
11) Had your heart broken? More like I was extremely disappointed, once, but I lived
12) Were you Single/Taken/Married/Divorced? Single, but dating!
13 Any Kids? Nope

****TODAY (2009)****
1) Age? 24
2) Where do you work? H3 Hardy Collaboration Architecture
3) Where do you live? Astoria, NY
5) Who are your closest friends? Waz, Marlen, Erica
6) Do you talk to your old friends? I live with one, and talk to the other online almost every day
7) How many piercings do you have? none
8) How many tattoos? None
9) What kind of car do you have? What is this driving you speak of?
10) Had your heart broken? Nope, but I think I’ve broken a few
11) How many kids? 0!
12) Are you Single/Taken/Married/Divorce? Going steady with a nice guy.
13) Contact or Glasses? Glasses – tried contacts but they hurt too much

1 comment:

Waz Wu said...

I see my name on there!! =D