Saturday, August 08, 2009

Love Child?

Not much has been going on. Axel came back from Germany and we just slipped back into the usual routine of seeing each other. I like what we have actually. It's easy to get lost in a relationship and just disappear from all your other social circles, but Axel's very easy going about things when I say, "I want to go to dance class," or, "I'm going to go see my friend/family." It's like we're a couple, but we maintain a good balance of independence.

We hung out with his best friend, Yuri, and his wife, Melanie. Apparently, Yuri had gotten a love child on some woman 16 years ago. For the most part, this kid's been living in various places all over Germany and the United States. He and Yuri have only seen each other a couple times in his existence, but this year he was extra bored so he called up his biological dad and Yuri said, "Sure, come on over." I think he's one of the few people that doesn't get any odd funny "should I act like his dad?" feelings. He just shows little Yuri around like he's any other kid that might happen to be visiting.

Funny thing is that Yuri and Melanie have a tendency to do the hug, kiss, kiss, kiss European greeting and farewell. Little Yuri seems to have wholly embraced the practice. Yuri and Melanie, I think, can sense I'm not a big hugger, so they do the "bodies far apart" hug with me, but Little Yuri had no such restraint, and actually pulled me into quite a bear hug. I think we all know what he was enjoying. *sigh

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