Monday, July 20, 2009


Okay, I'm just going to say it. I'm sure this will piss off "forward thinking" people.

Being gay doesn't make you special.

There, I said it.

Yes, you're oppressed because you can't legally get married in any state. Yes, people hate and fear what you are. Yes I know gays are jailed and executed in some countries. I am aware that the very fact that the government not recognizing same-sex couples promotes the rampant promiscuity that really isn't all that unusual in the hetero-sexual world either, but is made so much more dramatic for gays because of things like AIDs and whatnot.
If you expect to get the same treatment, that also implies that you have to give up your status as "special." That means that you can't grab girls breasts because, o, you're not attracted to them so it's alright. It means that you can't say, "O you wouldn't understand. It's not the same at all. You could never possibly be in my position." What? You mean demonized for what you are? What you are born as? Misunderstood? Really? You don't say. So, being a racial minority means absolutely nothing. Or the child of immigrants who disapprove of nearly every decision you make because it's not "traditional." Being disowned for marrying someone that isn't of one's own racial background? Or for getting a tattoo? A black guy who people automatically avoid because they think they might get mugged, is that not just as wrong?

"Being gay is a big part of my life. You wouldn't get it." Well, being Chinese-American is a big part of my life. You cry when you watch Brokeback Mountain. I cry when I watch Joy Luck Club.

I really don't get it. People are so PC about it all, tiptoe-ing around some mindlessly angry people who want to rile things. GLAAD criticizing Perez for calling a guy a faggot. Yes, the guy was an ass, and happened to be gay. If a woman is awful, we call her a bitch because she's an ass and happens to be a woman. Is it not the same? Is it not just as offensive? We still live in a world of sexism, too, but why do we take more offense towards things regarding homosexuality?

O and I can't stand people who think they're special because they have a gay friend. Congratulations! Do you feel special for having a black friend too?

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