Friday, May 29, 2009


Recently, I keep bumping into people I haven't seen in a while and they all ask me waht's going on with my life and I go, "Work. Busy. Lots of work." Is that really all that's happening? I guess there's more. Dance. Lots of dance. I took my last Thursday night hip hop class for the summer, since the summer hours won't permit me to get to Eddie's class anymore.

Otherwise, what's been going on? Hmm...Went home for Memorial Day weekend. We had a barbecue, hung out with my cousins Jonathan and Ling. They grow up so fast. Jonathan's already going to college. It seems like not too long ago he was just starting high school, and before that, he was just an annoying little toddler. We played Settlers of Catan, which I discovered is only winnable when Eric and Sylvia aren't there. They're just too good.

Axel introduced me to a bunch of his friends at a big barbecue on Memorial Day. We had white wine, prosecco, and grilled prawns. I got a little sick so I left early, but I heard they partied till 2am or so. It seems that now I've met all the friends, the floodgates are open and it's not, "Let's go out to dinner" anymore so much as "Let's go out to dinner with my buddies." So far so good.

Axel was pissed last night because there's a gay man at the network he works for that runs equipment who has a crush on him and makes his life extra difficult because he refuses to be anything but heterosexual. Yuri doesn't help because he tells said gay man that the two of them get it on together all the time. I remain amused.

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