Marlen and I plus extra-random-roomie-guy from-Wilton-that-seems-really-cool went to see a place today. The ad on craigslist is most beautiful. In fact, all of the ads by this guy are. However, the broker - Seth of Sunrise Realty - is A DICK. I don't use that phrase lightly. In fact, I never call people that. He, however, is in all senses of the phrase, a DICK.
When I called, he was very brisk and pushy. Marlen said the way he talked to her was downright rude. I stated our budget, but he kept trying to push us higher despite me constantly telling him what our absolute limit was. Then, I asked about the advertised place. Is it close to the L train? Yes. How is it a 3 bedroom? How much does it cost to split a master bedroom into two rooms?
Instead of stating clearly what he requires from people, he said, "You do realize you have to bring money." To which I replied, "Huh?" The way he phrased it made me feel like it was a drug deal of some sort. And it had to be cash, or a cashiers check or something along those lines. He wouldn't even show us a place unless we had the money to put down an immediate down payment.
So we decide, it can't hurt to see the place. I find out that this place is not on the L line. In fact, it is 6 crosstown blocks from the L line! It is however, right near the G. Then, after he told us to meet him somewhere, I call and he tells us to go to the building. Well, why didn't you just give us the address to begin with? We get to the building and he thinks my name is "Anthony" for some reason. We go up and he shows us around. He seems nice enough about it, but then he said that to put up an extra room would first require someone to be acrobatic - because there's be a ladder involved - or require some serious money. On the phone he said that to put in an extra room, it'd be $800. Then, once we were there, he said it was $800 per person! Well, why didn't you say that earlier, jerk...Michael was late, so I went down to get him. While waiting, a guy in the next building was just getting home and I asked him how he liked the place and he said that even after being there a month, their place was still unfinished. And then, when I went back upstairs, Marlen was in the process of discovering that one of the tiles in the model bathrooms was loose. I pick it off and we see some really shoddy craftsmenship. Aargh! So it's all a house of cards! We tell Seth we're not interested and he pretty much just bolts out the door without turning off all the lights and without even closing the door. Marlen yelled down the stairwell, "What should we do with the door?" and he said, "Just close it behind you!" Eegads! That's a fricken furnished model apartment you're just leaving. I could have gone back in and helped myself to that refrigerator. We had 3 people and a car. Hell, who wants a washer? But no, we were honest people, so we just closed the door and left.
God...what a dick.
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