Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am not a cat person. I hate to admit it. I wish I was a better person and loved the little beasties, but they are needy, needy animals. Granted, my roommate's cat has been sorely neglected by his owner, but why does it have to cling to me? He wakes me up any time between 4, 6 or 7am meowing and trying to break down my door. Then, he winds around my legs everytime I try to take a step and I end up kicking him/stepping on him/tripping. I don't get it, don't people say cats are independent creatures? I remember my own cat sitting outside my window at 8 am on Saturday mornings meowing her little head off so I'd let her back in and then she'd do the leg winding thing too. Don't they realize that when we're walking, that's a bad place to be?

I'll also take the time to admit now that I'm not too fond of dogs either. Those things have way too much pent up energy. The only dogs I've ever particularly cared for were the bassett hound my neighbor owned when I was three (because back then, slobber didn't occur to me as gross) and the bulldog my ex's friend owned (because she was the laziest dog in the world and just couldn't be bothered).

And the hair. Cat and dog hair EVERYWHERE!

Gah! I want my sleep!

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