Tuesday, August 12, 2008


It's fun listening to the synchronized divers count off before they jump. The Canadians counted in French, and Chinese girls didn't use any intonations at all. The Chinese girls are absolutely robotic, it's amazing.

Gramma's on a cooking and cleaning frenzy. Last night she decided to buy potatoes because I randomly mentioned liking to cook them, but she had no idea what to do with them. Looks like she figured it out though, because she made an apple-potato salad much like what mom makes. Not bad. I also came home to some freshly washed laundry, which sort of disturbs me. I should go through the rest of my laundry to make sure I don't have any random things in the pockets so we don't repeat the chapstick disaster (Years ago, Gramma took some things from my room and threw it in the wash and the chapstick I left in the pocket ruined a few shirts. Mom had a good time yelling at me until I pointed out that I hadn't put the pants in the wash in the first place, so it wasn't really my fault. Victory and vindication. Mwaha.)

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