Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dancer Things

So, on Sunday night, I sprained my thumb doing a handstand. Today is the first day where I could open a water bottle unassisted. So nice.
Also, Dancer's Symposium is this weekend so I've been dancing pretty much every night this week for a couple hours. I can't wait for the show...and for the rehearsals to be over. I have one tomorrow night at 11pm. It used to be normal, now it's annoyingly late. I turned old sometime during this semester.
Also, today was the last day of ballet. I was a little out of sorts because Jim decided to throw in some things that weren't part of his usual repertoire, but for once, I figured out the petit allegro (the part of class where you do a really fast jump combination). Anyhoo, class ended with everyone going up to Jim to give him a hug and a thank you. I got an extra "tremendous improvement" from him which really made my day. I'm glad he noticed.

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