Monday, February 18, 2008

I am Mercenary

Recently, the boys and I have been having problems with our landlady. She stopped by a while back wanting to take pictures of the place so she could put images up online, so as to sell the place. We felt this was acceptable, so we cleaned the apartment. Day comes and she's there staring at the place in horror and says it's absolutely unacceptable, and she didn't take any pictures. Granted, our living arrangements are a little dorm-like, and I, personally was willing to compensate, and move around a little bit of the furniture.
A few days later, I get an email from Landlady, and she says that she wants us to get rid of furniture, put things in storage and have Ken move his bed into MY room. I called her up, quite upset, and asked her if she realized that she was asking me to share a room with a boy. She said, well then, move into the small room and have the two boys live together. To which I replied that we're all in the process of finding work right now as well as taking the usual full course load at school. When are we supposed to find the time to move everything around? She was not willing to compensate, asking me to understand her situation when clearly she didn't understand mine. And then she threatened that she would have to charge an extra month's rent if she couldn't get the place sold by the end of our lease.
I did some research, and according to the state, and really, the nation, every tenant has the right to quiet enjoyment. Pretty much, so long as I pay the rent, I can live however I please in the apartment right up until the very last day of the lease. As it is, we're all moving out 10 days early.
Just now, I got an email from Landlady and she said that she's willing to compensate by having us make a floorplan of the apartment for her to post online. To which I replied (because at this point, I have no friendly feelings towards this lady at all) that we have to be compensated for our time and typical client billing for intern architects is $50/h. Let's see what happens...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thats right take it to woman? heh...