Tuesday, January 01, 2008


OK, so I really want to try to keep to this, and it's really cheesy that I have a New Year's resolution...but still, I figured I might give it a go. So this year, I'm going to cut as much crap out of my diet as possible - this means I'm going to make most of my own food. No more candy bars, no more processed cakes and stuff. If I have cake, it's going to be cake I bake myself and it's not going to be Betty Crocker, it's going to be from scratch so I can count how much sugar I put in. I thought about it and junk food always makes me feel like crap anyway, so why eat it? And since I don't have studio anymore, the chances of me having to stay late on campus for anything other than dance is much lower (so far as dance is concerned, the only day I have to stay late on campus is Wednesday and that's only till 9).
I'm also going to aim for eating smaller meals more often throughout the day, too (fat chance of that...I'll try though). According to Waz, this is healthier than just stuffing myself all the time. I think that with this and all the dance classes I hope to take, I should be in good shape.
I just hope when I start working this fall, I can maintain some sort of workout schedule. Is it bad that one of my search criterias for architectural firms is "near a dance school?"

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