Friday, August 24, 2007

Mom is Annoying

Just now I got a random phone call from mom. I think she was originally looking for May and dialed me instead. And then the only reason she was looking for May was so she could bitch about dad and that stupid moving to Mississippi thing. Well...she got me, so she ranted for half an hour about how stubborn dad is, how stupid he is, then she talked about May and how some guy in another department made more money but it's okay that she's not making a lot because she's learning. And then she talked about some meteorologist who didn't want to be a meteorologist anymore and went and got his degree anyway. Which inevitably led up to the usual part where mum tells me to just graduate and get my license. Right, because getting an architect's license is that easy. Nevermind all the IDP credits I have yet to accumulate and the fact that just having the license means I have to pay $100 a year for a piece of paper that I don't necessarily have a use for. Not that she listened, again... And then she kept asking me how I was and never let me get a word in edge-wise about me thinking about getting contact lenses, or broaching the subject of a possible Danish visitor over winter break, or even just how it is so freaking hot over here and I'm sweating like a pig and have a gigantic migraine. Thanks, mom. I love you, too...

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