Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Yesterday I got the most negative comment I ever received since coming to college. Last night, a bunch of us were working in the computer labs on our templates. Templates which I was hired to create. Of course, the whole time, people were griping about the template, but I didn't mind too much because it was about having to do the template as opposed to disliking my template.
Then while people were griping, Ben Saks decided to up and say, "Yah, Angela, I have to say, your template is really bad." Thinking that he was joking, I made a pouty sad face and then he said, "No, I'm not joking, I really think it's bad." I thought a few moments, 'Maybe he's still joking?' Apparently not. Then I asked him why he thought so and he mentioned a few reasons - for example, that the 20x20 panels weren't at maximum size, and that there were spaces for things that he didn't want to put in so he had to make that up on the spot. Boy was I mad. In the end, I just told him it's the difference between me having taken a class that had some communication design focus (we learned that white space is good) and him never having taken one.
Still, as I said, it's the single most negative comment I have ever received. It wasn't a "I hate the template." It was a, "I hate your template." Meaning that I'm completely inadequate as a designer and should give up now and switch to engineering while I still have a chance because apparently all I'm good at is math.
This was supposed to be a short post. I think if I see Ben today, I'm really going to yell at him.

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