Friday, December 02, 2005

Mid-Night Revelations

That time of the semester rolls around and once again, the archies of Carnegie Mellon are chained to their drafting tables by a sense of duty, responsbility and sheer insanity. Of course, during such trying times, deep thoughts about life, the universe and everything surface and some of the most mind-altering epiphanies come to fruition.

A sample -
Josh: How do we have milk? How did it occur to some person in past to touch a cow's utter?
Ben S.: Uh, I think it might have had something to do with a venting of sexual frustration...
Josh: Wow, that's pretty incredibly horrible
Ben S.: So you could say that beastiality is what caused the creation of cereal.

That is all...

1 comment:

May Chi said...

XDDD Awesome...