Monday, October 10, 2005

Sissies, all of them

This weekend was spent working like a crazy person in studio. On Wednesday afternoon, we were assigned the "Midsemester Sketch Problem." In layman's terms, it means we're supposed to do a month and a half's worth of work in four measly days. I started planning on Thursday, finalized on Friday, didn't sleep at all on Friday night and continued late into Saturday. I hate to admit it, but I was working that hard mostly because I wanted to be able to spend time with my boyfriend (and my parents think that having a boyfriend would be bad for my work ethic...). I did most of everything, and left with the boyfriend, had fun most of Sunday morning and realized around 3:30 that I really had to get my act together. Sadly, I only have two as opposed to three perspectives done (they were both done in less than ten minutes - me so proud). I was very surprised when I walked in around 9 that my desk only had a couple of Waz's things on it. I half expected Laura to have plopped all her junk on it, but Waz said that she thought most people were too afraid of me to mess with my area. Mwahhah, success. On a sad note, the bread I bought on Tuesday is moldy. As I was in studio the whole time, I never had a chance to eat it. Very sad. O yes, and on Friday night there was a high school football game going on in the stadium. The people there were horrifically enthusiastic and everytime they cheered, it felt like a pulsing wave of sickening happiness roaring through the studio. At one point, Waz and I at the exact same moment in the exact same tone said, "O, just shut up!" I said it again while walking back from Entropy with my big bottle of caffeine. It worked this time - I realized that it's no good if you gulp it all down at once and should rather just take a little at a time. And on Saturday night, Meredith wanted to eat her peach from Whole Foods and screamed like a sissy when she found an earwig peaking out of it. Then Ben (not my Ben, architecture Ben) picked up the peach and when the earwig moved, he screamed like a sissy too.
My room's a mess. I need to clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And then he screamed like a sissy too. Blahahahahhaa.