I must say, I'm very glad I'm going to be leaving Williams Sonoma in a week. It's not that I don't like it there - though the days are much slower than they are in Filene's. I think it's more that there's one particular person I don't like - more like I'm quite terrified of her. One of my managers is very good at yelling at me, yelling at me loudly. Maybe it's not that she's actually angry, but she has a permanent wrinkle in her brow, a mouth that defaults to a frown, and that loud piercing voice that carries across the room. Maybe she doesn't mean to yell at me so negatively, but it sure as heck feels like I'm constantly being scolded. I also have to resist the temptation to talk trash about her because she turns up where I don't expect her. It just seems she speaks much more nicely to others than she does to me. For one, she always jokes around with Nolan - who, immediately after leaving the stockroom today, made an obscene comment about the manager in relation to his genitalea. Funny, no? And it almost made me wonder if she was jealous that Nolan always talks to me...nah... Still, wouldn't that be funny? I think I'll just pretend that's why she seems to hate me so much. And then I can forget she exists until winter break.
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