Thursday, June 03, 2004

Well today was another day of..well I wouldn't term it constuctive or productive, but I got things done. I went to the library and took out a large amount of books and a couple of DVDs. Then mom and I went to the supermarket where I bought milk, raspberries, whipped cream and graham crackers among other things. Somehow, listing those together make me think they'd make a very tasty dessert together. I should try that actually.
After lunch I went to the high school to help judge the dance team tryouts. While I was waiting for school to end and the tryouts to start, I was accosted by a hall moniter that is apparently called "Little Hector." He demanded that I show him a hall pass, to which I said that I didn't have one. And then he started going for the detention slip, so I decided to mention that I wasn't actually a student, at which he looked at me with a lot of skepticism. At that point, I had to pull out my student ID and after a long inspection of it, Little Hector said, "Well congratulations, that's a good school. But you still need a visitors pass," to which I replied, "but I'm not here to visit anyone, I'm just waiting for the bell to ring, because I'm just a little early for an afterschool thing." He still didn't seem too happy, but I just let him finish yelling at me, while thinking the whole time that by the time I actually obtained the visitors pass, the bell will have already rung, making the pass entirely useless. Stupid Little Hector...
Anyways, for the tryout, there were a lot more girls this year trying out, probably the term "hip hop" made them a bit more comfortable with things. I think they'll be disappointed that it's very old hip hop, like early 90s Vanilla Ice hip hop. I heard some girls complaining that some of the moves were "so ooooold!" It was fun though, especially having more of a selection this year. There were a few girls that were, as usual, very depressing to watch. Some even looked like they were in pain while they danced (which is definitely a very bad expression to try out with). There were a few I thought could do well that the other judges thought weren't very good. I'm not sure what to say to that, though I suppose they would know better since one has her own dance team and the other one was a former Rockette. I recognized one girl from a violin camp I went to, but she ended up dropping out halfway through the tryouts.
I felt something that I hadn't felt in a long time when walking around in the high school today. It was this tense anxiety that made my eyes dart every which way. It seems that the high school comes with this feeling I have, a questioning of what people thought of me. I don't know why I feel this way in high school especially when I am so comfortable in college. No one other than a few friends and teachers recognize me in the high school so I should think I would feel more comfortable in the high school in a sort of anonymity, peerless so to speak. It's odd...

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