Sunday, June 20, 2004

Today was a day for missing. I was feeling nostalgiac so I took out some books that I used to read all the time when I was in high school. I read through one series today during the power outage. It was nice and it reminded me of a lot of things. For one, it reminded me of my first big crush, Stuart, from Norwalk. I was crazy about him for years and years even though I only met him once. We were at the house of some mutual friends of our parents, and since my sister was occupied with the computer games and we were the only other two kids there, we went for a long walk by the creek that was rushing by the house. He showed me a waterfall and we walked from one end to the other. I noticed that when I read books that have a main leading man in it, I subconciously attach his face to the character, though usually somewhat more grown up, as he was only in 7th grade and I in 6th at the time. I think he's also the reason why I have a predilection for blond haired, blue eyed boys with something like a mushroom cut and bangs parted in the middle. I thought I'd gotten over him, but I guess not. I think my idea of him has become an ideal actually. I asked a girl who went to his high school if she knew him and she said that he was a dear and close friend of hers. Being that she was the type of girl who was...not a good girl, I have a feeling that by "dear and close" it meant that there were some bad things involved. Oh well. He's still the nice boy who took me for a walk by the creek. Funny thing also, is that the last time I went back to that house, I tried to find the waterfall. It's gone now, can you imagine?

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