Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Well yesterday was just a terrible day stomach-wise. Just massive nausea across the board. And I was a little nauseous after lunch too...Though I just finished dinner and things don't seem to be bothering me. I am tentatively attributing it to my growing aversion to meat. Why oh why? It's summer? Let me enjoy a steak when daddy decides to barbecue! O well...
I'm still waiting for a job to magically appear - I called the temp services yesterday and asked if there was anything they needed from me and only one of them bothered to call me back and they called me back two hours later to say didn't have any photo ID - why didn't they tell me this the first time I called? I also contacted a local architect to see if I could intern or something, anything, I'll work for free for god's sake just get me out of my house!
Ah hem, anyway. I also noticed my comments section has turned into a wonderful debate field for my friends - M and L you know who you are. It's absolutely fascinating, I just read the comments through again and it's quite enjoyable to see that my depression can get something like this, though I don't intend to be depressed more often no matter how fun it is.


Anonymous said...

L reads:

"...though I don't intend to be depressed more often no matter how fun it is."

And smiles. :)

Anonymous said...

your'e HOME?!??! lucky goose. i get to stay here....WITH a job. so...not so lucky goose. ah well. come visit :cp


(okcupid chris)