Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Today I feel something that I haven't felt in a long time - I feel that desperation of loneliness. I'm once again clicking between email, AIM, blogs and particular other websites in search of people who want to talk to me. I have that tense feeling in my chest that I get when I feel alone. Why do I feel like this? I have a whole bunch of friends I could hang out with now. I suspect that perhaps I'm sensing the impending loneliness that will come when I get home. Of course there will be my friends from home, but getting to hang out with them will be so much harder without transportation and parents hovering over my shoulder. I'll also miss the people here at CMU. I can pretty much assume that a month from now, I'll be back to my insomniac ways, sitting up at 3 am for no reason, just searching for people and wishing.

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