Saturday, November 15, 2003

I couldn't help it, I succumb to the dreaded lists:

[Jewelry worn daily]: watch, always oval gold, with a thin black leather strap
[Pillow]: kinda lumpy actually
[Shoes]: Sandals! for as long as possible. Then black boots.
[Favorite top]: A black shirt that has a collar, no buttons
[Favorite bottoms]: My new fake cargo pants that have wierd pockets
[Cologne/Perfume]: What's that? I shower daily, don't need that stuff
[CD in stereo right now]: By stereo, I assume sound CD, just mp3s
[Piercings]: my body is a temple which I shall not violate with mutilation
[Hair]: if I had my way, it'd be short and spiked, but then people wouldn't know if I'm a girl or boy, so it's kinda shortish longish, with romulan bangs
[What you are wearing now]: Nike athletic shirt, Mudd yoga pants, and other unmentionables (teehee)
[In my mouth]: mm, saliva
[In my head]: "Gravity of Love" by Enigma
[After this]: I have to pee really bad
[Talking to]: Rachel, though she's coughing a lot
[The last thing you ate?]: Milky Way, that's my chocolate for the month
[Some of your favorite movies]: Lord of the Rings, Castle in the Sky, Fight Club
[Something that you are deathly afraid of]: Spiders, bugs
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: No
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: No
[If you could have any animal for a pet]: a doggie, a small one who can take care of itself, doesn't make noise and looks cute
[What are 3 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to?]: Manhattan (not NY, Manhattan specifically), Tokyo, Paris
[What's something you wish you could understand better?]: Humans
[In the last 24 hours, have you]
1. Cried: no
2. Bought something: with a meal block, yes
3. Gotten sick: no, but my roomie is
4. Sang: no, but I put exactly enough water into a glass bottle to get a concert A when you blow on it
5. Eaten: Pasta, chips, cookie, pasta, 1 (only 1!) piece of candy
7. Felt stupid: o yes, history does that all the time - same with sparring
8. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: I wouldn't say love, more like...Like
9. Met someone new:
10. Moved on: from what?
11. Talked to an ex: that would require having one
12. Missed an ex: refer to #11
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: I guess...
14. Had a serious talk: Umm, no not really
15. Missed someone: I miss Mommy and Daddy, and May, and Sylvia and Eric and Marlen and Rob, and and and ...
16. Hugged someone: No. Last hug I got was at midsemester. I need a hug...
17. Fought with your parent: No, I miss mommy and daddy...
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: I don't think so....

1. Have you known the longest: My mommy, and daddy, and May
2. Do you argue the most with: umm, May
3. Do you always get along with: umm, Chappie
4. Is the trustworthiest: Marlen ^_^
5. Makes you laugh the most: I have to say, currently, its Corey
6. Has been there through all the hard times: Marlen
7. Has the coolest parents: I do I do!
8. Have the coolest siblings: Eric and Sylvia!
9. Is the most blunt: I guess I am...
10. Is the smartest: SAT score wise, me. Everything else wise, most certainly not me.

1. Who is your role model: Eric and Sylvia
2. What is some of your pet peeves: When people take my pencils and either lose them or return them damaged or use the eraser
3. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: yes, but now that I look back, I'm glad I had no chance with him
4. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: Never over one person specifically. More over my stupid plight.
5. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: No, but I usually find them interesting.
6. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): Bien sur. I lie to everyone. The CSW test I failed says I'm morally inept.
7. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: Yes.
8. Rather be dumper or dumped: I don't know. I'll let you know when I've been in either situation
9. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship...tho I do count friends with benefits as relationship tho some see it as hookup...or something
10. Want someone you don't have right now: yes
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend: I don't have a best guy friend
12. Do you want to get married: Possibly
13. Do you want kids: Not at the moment. Ask me after I finish menopause.
14. Do you believe in psychics: Physics is the science of reality. Unfortunately, it's totally incomprehensible.
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: No. I love no one.
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: I don't really like my physical appearance, but I have to say I'm glad my eyes and lips aren't all tiny
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: emotional being?
18. Are you happy with you: no
19. Are you happy with your life: no
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: I wish to know more about how people think, and I wish I didn't have an ego

Have you...
1. Fallen for your best friend?: No, I am not a lesbian, sorry boys...
3. Been rejected?: I don't put myself in that position
4. Been in love?: I love no one
5. Used someone?: it's not above me
6. Been used?: I don't know...
8. Done something you regret?: Always. If I start humming randomly, you know I'm regretting.

Who was the last person..
9. You touched?: I guess it was that girl in sparring, if by touch you mean punch...
10. You talked to?: Rachel
12. You instant messaged?: Rob, but he went to bed
14. You had sex with?: VIRGIN = Angela
15. You yelled at?: I don't yell
16. You laughed with?: Rachel
17. Who broke your heart?: My heart is breaking
18. Who told you they loved you?: No one

Do you..
19. Color your hair?: With crayons! No just joking. My hair is perfect the way it is
20. Have tattoos?: My body is a temple. I shall not mutilate it with needles and dyes
21. Have piercings?: My body is a temple. I shall not mutilate it with needles
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Never did, it'd be interesting
23. Own a webcam?: No, wouldn't know how they work
24. Own a thong?: No, but I have G-strings. Several. They go on my violin.
25. Ever get off the damn computer?: Yes, often.
27. Habla espanol?: No hablo. Vamos a comer! (is that how you spell it)
28. Quack?: Cackle

Have you / do you / are you...
29. Stolen anything?: yes
30. Smoke?: yuck
32. Obsessive?: Yes.
33. Compulsive?: Yes.
34. Obsessive compulsive?: YES
35. Panic?: YES
36. Anxiety?: YES
37. Depressed?: not clinically, but I sure felt that way
38. Suicidal?: no, my body is a temple
39. Obsessed with hate?: perhaps
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, and gore?: No

41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: home with people I care for
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: My body is...o don't make me type it all out again.
43. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?: I always look at the nose first
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: If she's the one for the job...
45. Would you marry for money?: No, but if my one true love happened to be rich, than sure
46. Have you had braces?: Twice
47. Do you pluck your eyebrows?: Yup
48. Do you like hairy backs?: I don't know, if I ever have a bf with one, I'll decide
50. Could you live without a computer?: no
51. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: AIM
52. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: 84
54. Do you wear white socks?: Yes
55. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: What shoes? But yes, it's the Chinese way
56. Your favorite fruit?: Bartlett Pears, when they're crunchy
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: White, though I prefer dinner rolls
58. What is your favorite place to visit?: Chiang Kei-sheik memorial place in Taipei, the gardens, when no one is there but me, so I can sit alone and ponder
59. What is the last movie you saw?: In the theater? Pirates of the Caribbean. Otherwise, Fight Club!
61. Are you photogenic?: Once in a blue moon
62. Do you dream in color or black and white?: Always rich colors
63. Are you wearing fingernail polish?: yes
64. Is it chipped or fresh?: very chipped
65. Do you have any dimples?: not that I can see
66. Do you remember being born?: no
67. Why do you take surveys?: They looked o so fun until I reached #67
68. Do you drink alcohol?: I take a sip occasionally, but it's not that interesting
69. Did you like or do you like high school?: Not really.
70. What is the best accent?: Accent...I do enjoy the high class German's English, or the high class Indian's English
71. Who do you want to kiss?: not telling, but he'd better be worth my first kiss
72. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunrise is too cold, Sunset too depressing
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: Only if I could be young and healthy when it rolled around
74. Is a flat stomach important to you?: It's a dream I shall never attain through healthy means
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?: Played once, don't think it really worked
76. Are you loyal?: To myself
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: So long as they aren't imposed on others
78. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?: On. Too bright otherwise. Tho if I get a bf, I may think otherwise...
79. Do you like your nose?: Never did, never will
80. Do you think you can draw well?: Yes
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: Never believed
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: by shoes, do you mean the kind that doesn't have holes in them? Then 4.
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?: Sandals!
84. Do you write poetry?: Only if I'm sad
85. Snore?: If I'm tired I think, I'm not able to observe my sleeping habits
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: Back usually
87. Cats/Dogs?: Doggie! A small one that's nice and quiet
88. Do you lick stamps?: not after that cockroach story, no
89. Do you use an electric can opener?: why would I?
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: Hmm, it sounds interesting, but no.

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