Saturday, August 23, 2003

Would you like to know what I did this evening? I have just returned from about the most interesting night time excursion I have ever been on, which means that I either (a) have never had a night time excursion before, or (b) I'm just not that interesting.
So, my roomie found this lovely ad in, which is like an online classified ad for CMU students. It was for a fridge for $40. Great deal. So we went down around 8:30 to what is basically the opposite side of campus and waited till 9 for the guy. Poor guy had indigestion, so he was occupied for a while. And when he came, he said he wanted to clean it first. So we let him clean away, until 9:30 where we paid up. And then we hauled it all the way back to the dorm. Boy was that fun. We took breaks every few minutes and what really annoyed me was that tons of groups of guys walked by and no one offered to help. It was only when we got back to our hall that one of our neighbors ran up and helped. Geez, so much for chivalry. It seems to have died and festered under a rock somewhere on campus. So hey, I found it quite interesting. And the fridge seems to be working wonderfully, so I'm a happy person.

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