Saturday, August 02, 2003

To heck with it, I'm not very good with terms of endearments...
Anyway, I haven't updated in a long while, a little over a month actually. It's not like nothing's happened. I'm just enjoying my alone time. So why have I actually updated? Well, perhaps it's because I wanted to show off what I can do on this fabulous new computer of mine! Yes, I have a beautiful new Dell Dimension 2300 Desktop with a flat screen monitor! Or, perhaps it's because I got my wisdom teeth yanked yesterday and I'm currently drugged up on Vicodin. I wonder how that stuff could possibly be addictive. Tastes like crud, very bitter, and it doesn't do a thing for the pain. My jaw is still throbbing like I got stomped on. But hey, lunch time. Let's see if I can manage some noodles!

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