Friday, August 29, 2003

So, today was quite another day of frustration. The history discussion class was interesting for the most part, but I've come to realize that I don't like theater majors, I really really don't. I hate them not because they're bad tho. I hate them because they're such at ease with themselves that talking to lots of people doesn't bother them in the least. I wish I could do that. I wish I could party with ease, be a social butterfly who's cool with myself. I'm so very jealous.
As for the plant, I still don't know what the heck it is. I found out today, after the plant was dead, that if I put it in hot water, the blossoms would open and be bright red. Dangit. Yeah, so I went to the Hunt library today, to the special top floor that's expensively furnished with high security. Even those botanists weren't too sure exactly what my dumb purple sprig of something was. "It's a fruit plant" is all I got. Thanks, like I didn't know that. So then I spent an hour sitting in the library, accompanied by a librarian the whole time. Nice guy, very shy though. Apparently, I'm not allowed to bring anything but a pencil and paper in, and I'm not allowed to browse. I have to tell them what I want and sit quietly and wait. He couldn't find anything though and the only botanist that might know won't be in for a while. How frustrating. So I am going to go to a strange "whole foods" store in East Liberty. I might find it there. I figure the place caters to vegans and people who are into strange exotic foods. I have a feeling a sprig might cost $50 or something. If it does, I'm definitely complaining to the teacher..

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