Monday, January 13, 2003

You are the quarterback of my football team. I think I'll just go into other subjects...
So this weeked was quite lovely. Western regionals came up and it was GREAT! We sounded almost professional, and I can honestly say that the conductor, Mr. Peltz I think, is the best conductor I've had the honor of working under thus far. I hope I get to be in more orchestras like that. I saw my penpal from the fifth grade there. He was surprised, and I was surprised he remembered me. Small world... Well, I won't go into detail, since there were still a lot of bad things about the people ...stupid rich snobs....but hey, I'm going to be nice and try not to ruin the mood too much.
And then I went out with my buddy and her buddies and that was lots of fun! Though I realized a lot of my sentences started with, "My cousin this" or "My friend that." Geez, I have no life at all. And the words "I" and "my" still come up way too often in conversations. Still need to figure out a way around that...
What else...hmmm...o yeah, the utter frustration of making portfolios. I already sent in my portfolio for Syracuse, and Rice (2 weeks overdue) is going out tomorrow. Cornell still has some time left, so I think I'll find more to add.

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