Thursday, January 30, 2003

You are the breath of fresh air of my warm spring morning... I want spring to come!
So today was metaphoricaly a twinkie - cruddy cake on the outside, but nice in the middle. Yes, so I'll list my gripes chronologically.
I woke up this morning and what was on the front page? Blumenthal asking for the government to shut down Indian Point. And what shall we do after that Blumenthal? How shall we employ those who'll be out of a job? How will we supply power to those who relied on the nuclear power? What are our alternatives? Let's see now, we have fossil fuel. Of course, fossil fuel is getting rarer as it is, and damages the environment much more than the lack of radiation going around. And we're afraid of Chernobyl? Well let's see, there is a VERY big difference between Chernobyl and Indian Point. Mainly Chernobyl had a reactor sorta out in the open. Indian Point has theirs enclosed in VERY thick walls and in the ground. An airplane may actually get through the wall, but I doubt that anyone would actually try that. And evacuation procedures? Well, Blumenthal, if you don't like theirs, I'd like to see your wonderful idea.
And my lovely afternoon was spent doing embroidery, sipping hot cocoa, crying over A.I. and kinda giving Bourne Identity wacky looks.
And my evening...oooooo, how much do you guys love sitting in front of the computer doing somebody else's work? I'll just leave it at that since the person whose work I'm doing got pissed off and decided to essentially hang up on me.

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