Wow, today was a twitchy day again. Still don't know why the fourth finger twitches...I'm positive that's not healthy. But hey, today was a good violin day. I realized while I was playing that I kept messing up because I was too worried about sounding good. It's always trying too hard that makes things not work out. Maybe that's why my best friend dropped out of calculus...I really wish she didn't. She seems to be drifting too. We used to be the best of friends, I don't think she even thinks of me as anything more than a brain in a bottle that magically appears next to her in classes. Not sure what's going on with her right now. She used to be very dedicated to school, and now she seems to put it at the bottom of her priority list, she still obsesses over her boyfriend, and she's constantly at odds with her parents...I really hope she gets over it soon, I want my best friend back.
Today was also a fun fun (sarcasm) day in the guidance department. While filing, I went through two criers. Why do people cry? It doesn't make sense. It makes them feel worse (in the worst way possible, self pity is so unbecoming) and it makes others cry too or at least feel uncomfortable. And what does it do in the end? Either it basically coerces someone into action or the crybaby is left in a pathetically wet heap.
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