Hello! It's been over a year since I last wrote. Does anyone even read this thing anymore?
Since our last episode, I've completed work on OSL. We have the occasional bit of paperwork here or there, but are for the most part done. I will miss seeing mr. Baryshnikov in passing, but alas, on to bigger and better things.
After spending some months in limbo, the company finally put me onto a pretty cool project for a retail store. It's on hold for the fourth time, so I'm working on a synagogue in the time being. If the retail thing happens, I go back onto that in January. If not, I get to stay on the synagogue at least through design development, but very likely through construction documents. I have to read up on things like mikvahs and torahs and bimahs, and figure out the difference between all the different sects of Judaism. It's kind of interesting, but my heart lies with the retail store. It's mostly because I have gotten to know the team very well everyone has a wonderful attitude and I have a lot of respect for all of them. It'll also be a fascinatingly complex project - it's not just any old store, it's a ginormous flagship store! How cool, no?
In my personal life... My roomies are still Chelsea and Emily - the girls I met while living in Bushwick. We celebrated year number 2 awhile back and just signed the lease for another year. The apartment is huge, sunny, and is in a great part of Astoria. It's the first place in NY where I've lived that my parents actually liked. I'm not sure how much longer this is going to last for me though, because Axel and I have been discussing the big move-in more and more. It will be a while still, but I doubt I'll be renewing the lease with the girls after the year is up.
Axel and I are going to Argentina this year. We'll be leaving right after Christmas, spending new years in Montevideo, Uruguay with his friend James, and spending at least 3 days as gauchos. I've never ridden a horse before. I wonder how similar it is to riding a motorcycle. I also am insisting on at least one evening of tango dancing. Axel refuses, not because he doesn't dance, but because he hated argentine tango. Too brainy, supposedly. Well, maybe James will dance with me. Eh, Axel?