It's been a really long time since I've posted, isn't it? Lots have changed.. let's see...
After having a horrible "fight" over the electric bill with Erica, I have moved back to Astoria with the other two girls that were living at the loft with us - Chelsea and Emily. The new place is awesome - the space is really big, well laid-out and the neighborhood is really vibrant. May visited for the first time today and she really liked it. It's definitely the nicest space I've lived in thus far in NY, and the girls are awesome. We're just much more comfortable together - we can all hang out or be apart, we talk to each other about our jobs, boys, etc. I feel like this is an apartment that the three of us share, we're all invested equally. I can have guests over, I don't fear that my food will mysteriously disappear, there's no poor un-cared for cat to make a mess. It's CLEAN! Happiness is a new, nice apartment. As for Erica - I was mad at her, still am I guess. Unfriended her on Facebook and while I was tempted to find ways to make her miserable after the whole blowout, I decided not to bother. She's just too pathetic with her going-nowhere life, living off of her parents at the age of 30 and never having a job in her life. And we're in a less expensive, higher quality space while she gets stuck with her $527 electric bills. Who's the winner in that situation? *sigh
Axel and I are still going well. Nothing new there! Well, he seems to be just as enthusiastic about my new place as I am. Said something about how it's very nice and that if he had to choose between his place and mine, he'd pick mine. But not that he'd ever live here, because it's too nice and girly. Of course, of course... He left a toothbrush here - first time that's happened in the 1 year and 7 months we've been together. I think that's a testament to how much he likes the new place. O, and last night we were taking a walk in my neighborhood and we came upon a kitty who was so excited to see us and come play that he mewed and pranced his way over to us and insisted we pet him. I wants a loveable little kitty just like him!
Work is...well, I'm a tad dissatisfied. They finally moved me off of the courthouse project, and onto TFANA and OSL. In a way, it's nice to know that I've been upgraded to a true Designer level. No more being someone's personal assistant. On the other hand, I feel like I'm doing the same things over and over, while the other kids that have a year less experience than me are doing the things that I want to be doing - aka designing. Mini-boss went to bat for me when the CFO moved me, asking why I haven't gotten any design phase projects. For some reason, the secret project didn't seem appropriate. I guess next project our office gets, I'm on it. But WHEN?!! I'll never finish my training hours at this pace. Seriously, if they don't put me onto the next new project, I'm out, seriously! We'll see... I guess I'm still learning a lot and it's just a bit of a plateau. One of my best friends at the office just moved on to greener pastures, and I guess I'm just jittery and want to follow...