Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Kitchen News

Last night I was up late in the kitchen working on my project in my sketchbook. Martin and Morten were nice enough to keep me company. Martin was most helpful - I now have a worderful vision of my art gallery, where people are immediately greeted by the espresso bar where they can indulge in highly caffeinated fare and walk around view artwork with a buzz. Martin nicknamed it, "the Battery Bar." At one point, I took off my glasses and Morten said, "You know, I have to say, you look so much better when you don't wear your glasses." To which I replied, "Hey, you look better when I don't wear my glasses, too!" A rare witty insight on my part and Morten commended me on the comeback.
In other news, Diyana has exposed me to the wonders of Leverpostej - pronounced lay-O-pos-tay. It stands for liver paste. I'm in love. McKinney is grossed out. Today I preached the wonders of it to some of my Chinese classmates and they seemed most interested. Woohoo for liver paste!

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