Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First Day

Happy New Years! I keep forgetting to update and what do you know, it's already halfway through January. I suppose it's time for an update.

Winter Break: Fun. I slept a lot, saw lots of family, ate lots of yummy food (I actually lost weight over break...fancy that. I blame you, Waz), went to Manhattan with my sister where we visited the Met, fashion ave. and her comic book store, "Forbidden Planet." All in all, a satisfying break.

2007 so far: Pretty busy. I got back a week early and Waz and I did what little we could based off of the shitey measurements the girls at Lunar Gala took. Way to go girls, way to not measure a guys inseam correctly. We've been making the outfits for a couple of the models and a lot of things are far off mark. We seem to have a very poor understanding of the male body. I think that the girls will be much easier. Still, things are going well, and hopefully it will be well underway by the time classes pick up.
Classes are going well. The ones I've had so far anyway. My Digital Fabrication assignment is to make a crazy cube thing for Tuesday. I thought I had it. Nearly had it. It'll be cool, though. Except that I have to actually document everything and put it on a website. I'll be borrowing people's cameras for a few weeks.
Then there was Jazz. I'm actually horribly low on the waitlist, but I think there's still hope of getting in. The teacher let everyone who showed up stay, so maybe she'll let me in. Pretty please, pretty please. It was, all in all, an amazingly fun class. One of the acting majors said to me after class, "It's such a pleasure to see someone doing what they were born to do." I guess I was born to dance. Hope mom and dad don't mind.
My next class which I was also on the waitlist for is GIS, aka digital mapmaking. I think I'm going to enjoy it, it's so wonderfully structured! We have a calender and a syllabus, regular homework assignments. All very exciting for a person in art school.

After class, I attended a boring TA meeting where we were all reminded yet again (fourth time for me) that we can't date the student. If we are in a relationship with a student in the class, please quit the class not the relationship. Yes, I know, thanks for wasting an hour of my day. Then it was rush over to Waz's and sew sleeves, then rush to Point Park. OK, so, Point Park's community jazz class is NOT WORTH $15. Five maybe. The warmups were horribly disappointing after my earlier jazz class, though things picked up towards the end when the teacher started getting a little creative. If she had a better warmup, I'd be tempted to keep taking, but no. I might take a try at Dance Alloy next week and see how I like it. And I'll finally get to meet the mysterious heartthrob Estee has been raving about.
After dance was LG practice. We measured models, talked with models, Waz pointed out I only said the work "crotch" around girls and gay guys. So I'm shy, and I don't like to touch boys unless I'm dating them. So see me and my prudery. See May, I'm a prude too!
So here I am at home at midnight. Time to start the homework! Joyful fun!

1 comment:

May Chi said...

I'm still more prudish than you, y'know. And good luck with sewing the clothes. :)