Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I don't know if it's PMS, but I was feeling most annoyed with everyone. One woman in the office I find particularly annoying because she's very loud and crass. LOUD. and CRASS. Right now she's shouting in the kitchen which is on the otherside of our not so small office, and I can hear everything clearly. I think I might murder her soon, it's getting so annoying.
On a brighter note, I went to a Jazz class last night, taught by none other than a Mr. Strever look-a-like. Except whereas I remember Mr. Strever being cadaverously thin (no offense Strevie), this guy, as Jamie the contemporary dancer from LA says, is CUT. So if you want to imagine my dance teacher, imagine Strevie with wiry muscles and a flamboyant flounce to his movement. O yes, and imagine him a little shorter too. Jamie also told me I ought to go to his hip hop class on Tuesdays. If they're anything like the Jazz class, I think I will. I think I'm getting fat. Actually, no. I am getting fat. Stupid dumplings. I think I should go on that watermelon lunch diet everyone here seems to love so much.
Jamie is a premed student at Berkeley who is currently sitting in on surgeries at some reknowned hospital in Shanghai. Yesterday, right before dance class, she was busy probing a live human being's brain. Just the thought of probing a person's brain already grosses me out, but then adding that it's a live human being...ick... Poor brain. I asked her if the person is ok now. I also think that it would be a bad idea to get sick in this country because I might have a 19 year old premed student performing surgery on me.
On another note, my hip doesn't feel right. I think I must have sprained it or something. Is it possible to sprain a hip?

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